Since turning the big 40, they promised me that 'life begins'? The beginning of what I'm still trying to find out... however what I have discovered is that I'm finding it hard to accept I'm officially middle aged, The expanding waist line, wrinkles, the saggy bottom, aches and pains are always there to remind me that I am.
So gone are my carefree youthful days, they've been replaced by proper adult "responsibilities' of full time work, mortgage payments, bills, & running a mad house. I now comfort eat, in fact my fridge light goes out more than I do nowadays. Plus I don't want to go out and dance the night away, i'm just too tired, yet another excuse of mine. BUT Instead of putting on my trainers and doing a bit of the sweaty stuff, or leafing through a healthy cook book for inspiration, I go home put on my PJ's, and slippers, slam in a ready meal & take the good old yoga position of 'coach potatoe'.
I'm eating all the wrong things most days, but I do all the shopping, another excuse for buying chocolate of mine is that my Husbands loves it....
I live in hope that one day i'll wake up and this is all a bad dream and I'll be thin again.
Until that happens (fingers crossed cos you never know) I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. I'm only 40 something, and I deserve a life and a happy one to boot, so today I'm taking back control, calorie control. Please wish me luck.