At 54 and a little overweight at 16 stone 10 lb. I know I should be fitter and slimmer and I still am inside, its only when I look in a mirror, catch myself in a reflection of a shop window or walk up a hill puffing I know I'm not fit enough and overweight.
It does not help that my self esteem is a little low along with my mood.
I work hard but its not a really physical job.
When I do go for a walk I love it and enjoy myself, I have a runtastic app running I even purchased a Fitbit, but
Its mainly my tummy but if that goes the rest will trim up with it.
How do I get my get up and go back?
How do I get motivated?
Its so easy to sit in the chair when I get home from work.
I'm posting a photo in the hope this will encourage me to look better.