Disappointing First Week: Well, my first... - Weight Loss Support

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Disappointing First Week

Mr-Can-Do profile image
14 Replies

Well, my first week done and I should change my name to Mr Disappointing. Started off well, but there was a mid-week fail which led to a slippery slope. I can assess the damage tomorrow but for now, I hang my head in shame.

Convenience food, sugary food, takeaways. How to avoid?

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Mr-Can-Do profile image
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14 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Mr-Can-Do,

There's no way you should change your name to Mr Disappointing! You can do it, it's just tough to change habits, especially at first. Try not to be hard on yourself, afterall, the beginning of the week was good - you said yourself, you started off well. It sounds like mid-week was challenging, but I doubt it was a 'fail' - just a fork in the road, with a few things on the fork that maybe you regret having, but essentially no food should be avoided completely (unless you want to of course!).

I would say you can still plan in foods, rather than 'avoid' them. It's getting a healthy balance, and learning from each week - moving forward and pre-planning as much as you can. That would be my approach to it anyway.

Like you say, reassess things tomorrow, but please don't hang your head in shame - there is NO shame there, but if you do feel uncomfortable, then please try to re-focus and look positively on the week ahead.

You 'Can do it' - it just takes a bit of getting used to, and we all have days or weeks that don't always go to plan.

Hope you enjoy your evening.

Lowcal :-)

Mr-Can-Do profile image
Mr-Can-Do in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal. Tomorrow is a new day. I have a treadmill at home that I need to dust off and get on each day. If I increase my activity levels I will be more forgiving of the slips that come along. Thanks for the support.

miopus profile image
miopus in reply to Zest

I like your comment about fork in the road, with perhaps the wrong things on the end of the fork. We can choose which road we want to go down or remove or change what we have on the end of the fork.

muffintop67 profile image

Hi Mr-Can-Do. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's a learning curve. As you say you started off well so try to breakdown what went wrong and try to work out how you can avoid that again. You can have a quick meal in about 10 minutes from just stir frying some chicken with a packet of prepared stir fry veg and stir in a packet of stir fry sauce (I think maybe black bean is lowest in calories). Just as quick as waiting for a takeaway and much healthier. Just an idea - trying to be helpful. Tomorrow may not be as bad as you think. Lift that head up and keep going - you can do it! :)

Mr-Can-Do profile image
Mr-Can-Do in reply to muffintop67

Thanks muffintop67. Yeah, it was a bad week but that's history now! I enter this week with caution with the intent to avoid too much temptation...a little is ok, got to have a treat now and again, right. Thanks for the tip and I hope you're doing good.

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply to Mr-Can-Do

Getting there thanks. Pleased to say lost 19lbs now. I know its a constant battle but you will get there. :)

jenwriter profile image

How to avoid? Willpower. The first few weeks are tough to avoid these things. But you soon realise that it's not worth eating that takeaway and you'd rather see a difference in weight loss.

You can still have some foods. It depends on how you're doing it. If you're counting calories you can count a treat as part of your plan/food diary. But not too often. Takeaways: not good really. Convenience food: not sure what you mean. Buying food on the go is fine if it's a healthy choice but generally making your own lunches is easier (I've been doing this since before I starting trying to lose weight). And I've enjoyed my salads and stir fries so much that I don't enjoy the conveinence food I had in the past.

Think of it as healthy eating and changing your diet. Try different vegetables. I've had a pasta salad which I enjoy. I love sweet potato and found I love a mix of pulses.

This is just your first week so stick with this. You will see changes and as you change what you're eating you may find the foods you had before don't appeal as much (maybe some of them, I;ve been wanting cookies and chocolate. Ive had about one a week or so but I've been very good). Looking for healthy recipes and trying new things mightjjust surprise you, you might find something you like

Good luck, you can do it just keep trying. Any time you do give in just keep it going and you will get there. The only failure is to quit-sorry hope I'm not too cliched or cheesey

Mr-Can-Do profile image
Mr-Can-Do in reply to jenwriter

Thanks for the advice, it all makes perfect sense. I was never too keen on salads as I don't like the taste of lettuce, cucumber, tomato; however, this past week, I tried some prepared salads with different ingredients, such as cashews, raisins, chickpeas and they had different dressings like mango and lime. I found them all tasty and easy to eat. For me, I like different textures and ingredients that shouldn't go. I also tried courgette spaghetti with a spicy tomato sauce, delicious! And, never been a fan of fish (unless battered and deep fried) but I had seabass with a herby butter and it was very nice. I'm making new food choices, which is a good start, just need to close the door on some of my old food friends, or perhaps limit the number of times I pay them a visit.

Seuzan profile image

My first 2 weeks were a bit like you described. I think it can take a while to get into the routine of being mindful about what you eat. Just see it as a long term project rather than a quick fix. You will get into your stride soon! Onwards...

Mr-Can-Do profile image
Mr-Can-Do in reply to Seuzan

Thanks Seuzan, it helps to know others had the same problems. I suppose it is part of change, moving forward sometimes has a few back steps. Long term is good and I am refocussing.

Annde70 profile image

Mr Can Do. You most certainly can. It's difficult to begin with, training your mind to a different way of looking at food. The time has come to plan ahead, get organised and know in advance what you are going to eat. Don't buy in foods that you should not be having, that way you won't be tempted.

Hope your weighin goes well this morning and that your next week will be good one 😜

weightaminute profile image

Stay with it Mr Can Do. It can take time to kick into a new eating regime and with so many confusing messages it's easy to give up.

I sound similar to you, I'm almost 18st and have managed to lose 11 1/2lbs in 10 weeks.

I've slipped a bit in the last couple, but I'm not going to make myself feel guilty about that.

Just treat everyday as a new day, one step at a time. A smoker wouldn't be expected to quit immediately (very few do these days), so just feel proud of yourself for every day you stick to it.

Hold on to the dream, I am!

Annde70 profile image

Hi Mr-Can-Do. Several weeks have gone by since you posted. How are things going? Are you still on track with your journey?

Nonam profile image
Nonam1st 7lbs

Keep going.....we all slip off the wagon ....but hoist yourself up and start again x

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