Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this lovely warm Sunday. I have been out for a nice walk and for some clothes shopping (didn't buy anything tho cause I would like to lose some weight before summer 😂😂) .
I'm quite proud of myself this week, I went to the gym 3 times, I walked to work and I tried to keep track of food. I started a little diary where I can write what I eat, how I feel and how my days go. It seems to help. Just yesterday I went out on a date I cheated on my diet (ooops), but tomorrow is a new week and I hope I can keep going into the right direction.
I also would like to know if in this community there are some hiking lovers. I used to go hiking quite a lot last year with my partner but we still haven't been anywhere since January. I am posting a photo on my on top of Snowdon on my birthday. There were -7°, snow and it was really windy. It's definitely the most extreme thing I have ever done in my life and after I reached the top I felt like I could do anything in my life. I felt so strong and brave.