Can't believe how vile I've just been. Just eaten 800 calories before 8am! And not healthy calories either, ahem. Leaves me with 1000 cals until 8am monday, and I'll need to do my hours walk tonight to earn some of those. Oh well fruit, veg and porridge it is then! The only good thing is, at least I'm thinking and planning, not writing the day off and thinking 'I'll start the diet tomorrow'. Hope everyone has had a good weekend, the BBQs sound gooood. I'm off to drink 2 glasses of water. Xxx 😀
No wonder I'm overweight!: Can't believe... - Weight Loss Support
No wonder I'm overweight!

Hi M7salltheway,
I don't think you've been 'vile' at all - you've just eaten some things that perhaps you'd rather not have had in retrospect, and the thing is that you're already thinking about how to restore your day, rather than letting it get out of hand.
For some reason, you listing Porridge alongside fruit and veg didn't sound at all appetising as a prospect for the remainder of the day. I'd be tempted to look for some meals that are more appetising - e.g. having a lunch that is maybe some tasty soup and a slice of wholemeal bread; and maybe having some chicken/fish with some vegetables and a sweet potatoe for an evening meal. That way you'd be having a balanced and healthy meal and would be less likely to reach for the less healthy choices. Porridge for breakfast is fantastic, and I am sure some people enjoy eating it at other times of day too, but I just thought you seemed to be lacking some meat/fish/vegetable protein in your plan for the remainder of the day.
I hope you don't mind my saying that, as I don't want to sound at all judgemental of your choices, but I did want to comment at the same time in a hopefully helpful way...!
Maybe have a look at our Recipe Collation post if you're looking for any ideas for recipes or meals when planning ahead.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Hi low cal,
Thankyou for taking time to reply.
I think the soup is a great idea, I'm going to google low fat Thai chicken soup, as that sounds like a treat.
It's nearly lunch time and I've managed to not eat anything else, just sipped fluids. I think the weather is definitely helping, but I'm sure this group is helping my mind to really focus. I haven't been fanatical about any diet this week, but I've been retuning my 'off switch'. Thankyou for your very helpful suggestions, I'll check out the recipe collation, please how do I do that?
Finally, I must be the only person in the universe to dislike sweet potato, is it ok to have a small jacket potato instead?
Alison. X
Hi Alison,
I would say definitely on the jacket potato - I think they are really healthy, and I probably prefer the taste of them over sweet potato, but I do know that sweet potatoes are especially nutritious - but jacket potatoes are great too.
Glad my suggestions were helpful. Homemade soups are usually better than shop bought ones in my experience, as there can be lots of added sugars and salts in the shop prepared ones, but you can easily look at the labels if you want to check. Your Low cal Thai Chicken soup sounds delicious!!! I hope you enjoy it. If you're making it, then maybe do a big batch and freeze some batches for future meals - that's what I do quite a bit.
I'm having a freeze batch of some Pot Barley vegetable soup I made a while back today, for my lunch, so that should be filling and tasty.
I'm thrilled as I've just been shopping and managed to find some reduced price fresh vegetables - at ridiculously low prices - like 25p a bag! I am thrilled as I'm going to make a large batch of baked vegetable 'ratatouille' type of mixture - so I can have some tonight and also add in some wholemeal pasta for a pasta bake as well. I also got a reduced price trout! So that's going to accompany my vegetables tonight. Really great!!!
Here's a link to the Recipe collation post:
It's in the Pinned posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) so do check out the other posts there if you want to join in any Challenges on the forum.
Have a great day!
Hi M7salltheway. I think saying you have been 'vile' is a little harsh on yourself. Its only 10am so at least you have realised that you are not eating healthily quite early on in the day. You can make a change now and maybe go for an hour and a half walk to try to compensate a little bit more. How about a homemade vegetable soup or lean chicken with stir fry veg. Lowcal has some good suggestions too. If you don't have a nice dinner to look forward to then you maybe tempted to stray again. Good that you have thought about the rest of the day - you can do this!
Thankyou muffintop67.
You are right that I need a nice meal to look forward to, I'm planning Thai chicken soup for lunch, and chicken/quorn with a small jacket potato and veg/salad for dins. Also some fruit with a small amount of home made ice cream, as low cal had on Friday. Also a long walk is definitely on the plan. Thankyou for your support, I hope you are having a good weekend. X

i'm sure some of us have days like that, don't kick yourself, just get back into it and do a little planning, ark at me going on, not meaning to upset, just trying to make you feel better, you are only human, as ii am and im sure i will have bad days
Thank you for your kind words. Struggling at the present, so it means a lot. Yoyo ing badly, walking and doing strenuous work, but then eating junk. In turmoil as I'm very unhappy in my job, I know it's no excuse but I ' escape with food' bit like a druggie. I also don't drink enough water. I've planned for tomorrow, very healthy, I will beat this demon! X

Yes you will beat it, I really am going to struggle to drink the water, I hate the taste of it, so watch this space, It's a shame that you cannot find another job, that would help, but I know they are hard to find, well you can always come on here and call me.
Just do your best, between us we will get there

Just over two stone for me, as I've just lost one stone, so it's going to be hard, but I'm sat in bed a lap tray and a notebook, I'm doing my meals for the next three days just to see if I can get it sorted and use up all the calories I've got to eat per day frightening for me at this stage, so start smiling we will get there