has anyone got any ideas what I could do as a non manuel hobbie I have alpha one
hobbies: has anyone got any ideas what I... - Weight Loss Support

Sorry to hear about your Alpha 1 Geordie. I went online and found this, it seems pretty comprehensive, so I'm sure you'll find something that will interest you
Jigsaws! They keep the brain engaged, and hands too busy to snack. Plus they are cheap from the charity shops, about £1 for a few days absorbing entertainment
hi ...how about the new adult colouring books,bird watching, photography.pottery,basket weaving, or mosaic?
Knitting you could do mall hats for your special care baby unit!
Or Twiddle muffs for a local dementia unit ..
let us now how you get on 😊
you can do jigsaws free on msn really good. I also like cross-stitch which I also love doing, you can get free ones also on internet . hope this helps
Hi Geordie what about researching your family tree? I took this up 2 years ago while I was waiting on a knee replacement. I find it both relaxing and stimulating & get a real buzz when I uncover something new. You can sign up for a free trial with ancestry.co.uk or with findmypast. I now have a tree with over 2,000 people & have got in contact with disstant family around the globe & I'm still going. Linda
Having been unusually immobile for the last 3 years because of ill health, I have 3 staunch favourites which all use my iPad. I like jigsaws on screen, I have also learned to do Soduku and my final suggestion is looking at weight loss forums on line. I now use 4 regularly, a local one and 3 national ones. I think the forums have really kept me cheerful. Everyone is so supportive and full of great solutions, so it gives me a big buzz.
I am sorry you have alpha 1. I see you have a number of suggestions. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?
I enjoy embroidery too. I don't mind counted cross stitch which isn't to everyone's taste, but I enjoy Hardanger which is dead easy although you need to be brave when cutting out the 'holes'. Blackwork is good, basically a running stitch on cross stitch fabric (aida). I'm also keen on ribbon embroidery doing flowers which has a lovely 3D effect and makes great greetings cards. I've even entered some of my work a the local agricultural show and had some success.
babsplymouth said it keeps you occupied and helps take your mind off things. 'There's some great patterns on-line for free and you can pick up kits from charity shops on occasions for next to nothing.
If you have a sewing machine and would like ideas for projects with tutorial videos on making these. Look up Debbie Shore on youtube, I've used her tips and managed to re-cover an upholstered footstool for the sitting room. Just finished it tonight as it happens.