HELP! I'm not budging again :( - Weight Loss Support

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HELP! I'm not budging again :(

harobed profile image
19 Replies

I was so delighted when I lost 1k in the first week of March after taking advice to mix things up calorie wise.I have been so good with eating and upping exercise and I haven't lost an ounce since 8 March which is so depressing. I don't know what to do next. I am definitely not giving up (I have lost 13.5k so far and have another 16.5 to go so I'm not half way yet). I think it may be getting harder because I am now trying to lose weight which has been with me for a few years. I am trying to do this healthily without gimmicks so if any of you have any tips or even if any of you are in the same position please get in touch. Thank you for your support.

A very miserable Debbie

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harobed profile image
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19 Replies
Foodie87 profile image

Good morning Debbie

Well done on your 13.5kg loss so far. That's great going.

You may just be on a plateau, we all hit them at one point or another.

I have been struggling from November to February without losing anything at all but am now back on losing 0.5-1.5kg per week.

Don't forget that if you lose weight your weight maintainance calories decrease as your body now is easier to move.

Maybe just have a look at your required calories compared to what you are eating.

I review may required calories every other week to make sure I'm working with the right figure.

If you want to keep losing weight at the same rate as at the beginning you can only decrease your calorie intake or increase your calorie burn through exercise.

I'm sure you'll get back on track very soon!

Best of luck!

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to Foodie87

That'swhat I am finding so depressing. I have kept a track on my calorie intake and checked what it should be and have consistently been at the low end of scale. I analyse things for a living so thought I had it all worked out - gradually decreasing calories as weight came off and up exercise gradually but it's not working. If it was someone else telling me this I'd think they may not be adding up calories properly or something but this is not the case for me. I am sure I would give up if this carried on for months so well done to you for sticking with it.

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to harobed

Completely understand.

I think it's "easy" to track intake while I find it hard to calculate calories burnt. Which is where I think I went wrong in the past.

For example, my Fitbit reckons I can eat as much as 1800 calories and still end up with a 1000 calorie deficient, using simply my daily steps to calculate my burned calories, so it thinks I burn a total of 2800 calories.

My Apple Watch, which I wear for just as long as the Fitbit throughout the days comes up to around 2300 calories burned. That's 500 calories difference. 500 calories I've eaten in the past thinking I'm in the save zone...

Another good example is my cross trainer.

The computer on the trainer says that in a 30 minute workout at high intensity and medium resistance I burn around 400-450 calories. My watch comes to 200-225 calories...

In theory, given the cross trainer is doing its maths based on my weight and knows how much energy it should take to keep it spinning, it should be more accurate than my watch which simply has the movement of my wrist to go by...

It's hard to estimate output vs input.

Don't let it get you down.

I'm lucky I found an app and other hardware that seems to work for me.

I'd be more than happy to run your numbers through my tools, if it helps...

I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't give up!

I started on a BMI of around 44 and am now at around 28 - it took its time to get those 38kg so far down, I've been on this since October 2014...

You can do it. :)

Let me know if you want me to crunch some numbers ;)

TheHud profile image

I feel for you, I am day 4 without a shift and it's annoying the heck out of me. Check measurements though because my upper arms have shrank, bingo wings that could really help me fly are appearing ;)

Don't give up, it will move...... :)

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to TheHud

Thank you. You have made me laugh and cry at the same time! You mentioned the dreaded bingo wings in a very amusing manner which made me laugh out loud. I worry constantly about developing bingo wings (which by the way are coming on nicely) which made me cry. I don't think I could take off yet but I may be able to if my weight ever starts dropping again! I get so worried about them I am talking surgery to remove excess skin when I reach my goal. When I am feeling the lowest I have felt since starting my weight loss regime a laugh was very welcome. Thank you.

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to harobed

Just a quick note on all that baggyness, it is a medal of honor. It recognises strength, determination, self control, bravery and it can always be tucked into a nice tight sleeve, even one made of super light fabric ;)

Anyway the chances are they will shrink, or you could start weight lifting and fill them with muscle :) That is an idea!

I have no chance of getting my extensive baby bump skin (25 years old now) into anything light, that will need spanx of the strongest order lol

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to TheHud

Again you have made me laugh. Thank you. I can't manage a positive spin on the baggy skin issue (and I am generally a very positive person). I see it more as a punishment for the over indulgence which led to my big arms in the first place. I will be doing whatever it takes to rid myself of my bingo wings when the time is right.

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to harobed

Just give it time ;) for me, then we can both book in and I will have the 2 stone of skin removed of my tum and you can have your arms tightened. Might work out, I won't be able to move or bend and you won't be able to use your arms. We would have one working body between us ;)

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to TheHud

Lol! It's either surgery or I'll have a size 8 body and arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger! 😃

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to harobed

Size 8! Who gave you permission to be a size 8, hope you mean US 8 :(

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to TheHud

I do mean a size 8 Uk but I am quite a way from that at the moment. I hope to drop a size or 2 by the time I reach my goal - I was hoping to achieve this by mid July when I go on holiday with my mum and twin sister but I think by Christmas will be more like it.

ScoobaSteve profile image

Never give up! I sometimes don't lose anything for a month but I've never given up because if you do then you just end up putting the weight back on and its back to square one. Keep going it eventually starts shifting again :)

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to ScoobaSteve

Thank you. I am definitely not giving up. I will reach my goal. I just hope it doesn't take too long though. I am thinking of trying the slimming aid tablets sold in the supermarkets out of desperation!

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to harobed

Yes those tablets will help you lose weight, in the form of pounds from your wallet! Definitely don't give up even if it takes a long time, you have to think how long it took you to put the weight on so you can't expect to lose it super fast. It's taken me 6 months to lose 2 stone which I was hoping to have lost 3.5-4 by now and be at my goal weight.

harobed profile image
harobed in reply to ScoobaSteve

Hello. Thanks for your comments. I was feeling so low this morning I did consider the weight loss tablets but I'd rather lose weight without going down that route.I just got back from a 60 length swim at the gym and I am feeling more positive. I have decided not to weigh myself for a few days and hope when I do get on the scales I have lost something (any amount will do). Having lost over 2 stone in 4 months I know I can do this. It may just take longer than I anticipated but I will get there. Thanks again.

v29let_1 profile image
v29let_12 stone

It's taken me 6 months to lose 12 pound. It drives me mad - but a loss is a loss which ever way i look at it. Another 18 to go. I was hoping to reach my goal by the summer but it looks like it will be Christmas! I have read loads on here and i will be trying some of the suggestions, maybe they will work for me. Thank you everyone for your great posts and great sense of humour. I will keep reading and hopefully post some good news soon.

harobed profile image

Hi. You are do right. Any loss is good we must all just carry on. I know the closer you get to your goal the harder it gets so I need to get use to it. On a positive note, having lost nothing at all since 8 March I decided I would try really hard to not weigh myself daily. I weighed myself this morning and have lost a full 1k ☺. Without the support and good humour I got this week I think I may have given up so BIG THANK YOU!

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to harobed

Well done! 👍

Anne46 profile image

Hi. I'm in the same position. No matter what I do with exercise and healthy eating (I count calories too) I haven't gone down in weight in months. I think my problem may be hormones and water retention but I haven't given up and am trying to use the tape measure to measure victories.

I suffer from Depression so I understand how you feel.

Message if you like.

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