Well I am more or less over the op and all that jazz and had a very relaxed week and now am back and raring to go. I put on two pounds which is not as bad as I had feared at all and so am pleased. So it's back to counting calories and posting regularly. Feels like home on here so I am not afraid to admit if I gain or STS and I am always thrilled to share with you when I have lost. I am totally bent on doing this. Not a lot will get in my way. As you can imagine, when I want something I really go for it and temptation has a pretty vicious opponent in me. Tee hee. I am thrilled with my new name and though it's not on my passport I really feel it's me. My friends love it and that makes me happy. See you all around the forum. Thank you for everything on here.
With love
Babette xx