Anyone interested in being my weight loss buddy? need someone experiencing the same as i, husband doesn;t need to lose weight and i feel alone ,
I am aiming for 2 stone loss without calorie counting
Anyone interested in being my weight loss buddy? need someone experiencing the same as i, husband doesn;t need to lose weight and i feel alone ,
I am aiming for 2 stone loss without calorie counting
Iam in the same boat meself.wife dosent have to loose anything herself.can be quite difficult at times.
Hi Brian glad i am not alone here, does your Wife eat all the tempting things in front of you?
You are most definitely not alone! My husband can eat whatever he likes and puts on no weight at all. It's disgusting ;P I also have to cook for my two children, so it's a minefield to keep myself in track.
I'm trying to loose weight, doing the C25 running programme and trying to fit in as much exercise as possible. I'm counting calories and it has been an eye opening experience, read terrifying!
I'll follow you and will reply to your post as much as possible, if you think that will help.
Good luck!
Hi Catmay you sound like me, i read your profile (i think it was your profile anyway) i also have 2 young children (aged 3 and 5) and have spent so much time looking after them i have often let myself go.
I did try c25 but i got very bad stomach cramps, however i am enjoying walking
Good Luck to you also
That's it! It has been all about the kiddies. They won't be little forever and time with them is really precious. So I have really prioritised that over exercise or worrying about my body.
But it's time to feel healthier. And I do even if the scales don't show a big change, I do feel better so hopefully mean the weight will gradually shift.
Don't worry if you can't run. Walking is great exercise. It may even be that in time you will walk briskly enough to break into a jog every now and again. But don't pressure yourself, do what feels good because then you will do it more often.
I do the Monday morning weigh in if that's something that appeals to you.
Hi Cat how much are you hoping to shift? I am trying to get to 10 stone, weighed in this morning with a loss of 5lbs i now weigh 11 stone 11lbs
Thanx for the support about the running, only running i do is for the bus and my lungs are burning after a few minutes lol
5lbs in a week! That's fantastic!!! Well done! Go you!
I am looking to lose 3 stone. Quite a lot hey? I've only lost 8lbs since the middle of January. I'm 14stone 2Lbs at the moment. I wish I could lose more in one go, but I'm not sure how to do that.
In any case a loss is a loss, its a matter of staying on track.
I would love to be your weight loss buddy! I'm halfway through my weight loss journey and have lost 3st 1lbs so far. Boyfriend is a skinny rake who struggles to put weight on! So I know how alone you feel. I don't calorie count, I just exercise and eat sensibly and don't have carbs due to having PCOS.
Just to answer another question, yes he does eat crap food in front of me. He is trying to put weight on and regularly eats a 1200 calorie ready meal (meant for 2 people) by himself. So I really do know how hard it is to lose weight! But I found once you get into routine it's fine. I no longer crave sugar or want to eat massive portions, and have totally gone off takeaway!!
Morning. Just seen your post and I need to lose at least 2 stone but just can't seem to get to grips with it. My husband doesn't have a problem with his weight and is very traditional when it comes to food. I'm also trying to clear and defrost my freezer at the minute so my diet is dictated by what is in there and all needs to be eaten up quickly. My list of excuses is endless!!
I don't like calorie counting and have limited time for exercising (more excuses!).
I'll follow your post and if I can add anything helpful, I will
Good luck