Holidays - One Reason We Do it! - Weight Loss Support

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Holidays - One Reason We Do it!

sueper profile image
32 Replies

Hi everyone.

I haven't posted a weight update for ages as I gained over xmas and have been working it off and then went on a mini-break for my birthday last week. So hopefully I will be fully back in the losing zone in the next couple of weeks.

But even with gaining/maintaining for a bit I am still seeing the benefits of losing nearly 5 stones.

Early last year I booked a holiday to Malta - due to my size I hadn't flown for several years and as I was so worried about the seats I booked club class (I have a seatbelt extender). I also booked all inclusive so I could have a good pig-out and just veg out. But by the time the holiday came around I'd lost 4.5 stones, could walk 10 km. My whole attitude to the holiday had changed - and I didn't need the seatbelt extender!

What me and hubby had wanted to do really was go to Rome but we knew due to my poor mobility (due to weight and lack of exercise) such a holiday would just be an ordeal. So we kept putting it off opting for cruises instead (and then Malta) - no flights, loads of food and minimal walking.

What a difference a year makes! We've just booked Rome :) Standard flights and I am ready for the days of walking :D Just spent 3 days walking miles around Birmingham (mostly shopping) so I know I can do Rome. I will need to up my fitness levels a bit more but I have until October to do it.

We all want/need to lose weight for many reasons not just to have a healthy BMI. But when these changes truly improve the quality of your life and enable you to do the things you have always wanted to do you truly know it is worthwhile :)

Here's to another life changing year :)

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sueper profile image
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32 Replies
FitbitK profile image

Amazing!! Well done you! Such an inspirational post- thank you for sharing!!! I was in Rome in the summer - pack your walking shoes and patience :) you'll love it x

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to FitbitK

Thanks, I can't wait :) See I am not a patient person though ;)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Sue,

That is such an inspiring and positive update. Really lovely to hear that you've booked that holiday to Rome - you'll have a wonderful time there with lots of walking and being able to explore to your heart's content.

Great to hear you enjoyed the Birmingham trip too - lots of shopping accomplished. Hope you bought yourself some nice things. :-)

To hear you've lost almost 5 stones, and that you're enjoying life is brilliant.

As you say, here's to another life changing year ahead.

Lowcal :-)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal - these couple months where I haven't lost much have been a struggle so it is good to keep reminding myself (and others) what rewards the hard work brings :)

Hi Sueper! Always great to hear from you, it's worth the wait ;) It's brilliant to hear that such profound changes are happening in your real life. On here it can just seem like numbers and good intentions. But to see genuinely rewarding results is really exciting. I went to Rome about 10 years ago - really amazing. What better place to put all that walking into action :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Ruth, you are so right about the fact we think so much about numbers but that is not the only part of the story.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Hope you were still able to enjoy Malta and managed to get a few walks - or swims - in. All inclusive always makes you feel you've paid for everything, so you have to eat and drink everything. That's how I think anyway. I have to learn to "earn" my food so I can pig out without a guilty conscience.

Diana profile image

Fab, a lovely story! I think for mr, Juergen eating the everyday bonuses helps keeps me on track

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Diana

It should have said just

pedro1231 profile image

i have been swimming 30 lengths ist week in jan 2nd week 36 third week 42 then 4th week 46 1st week in feb 58 lengths walking 5 times a week healthy eating bulking the veg and fruit lost 9 lb up to yet

Hi Sueper,

Fab post, you really put it in the most inspirational way, why this journey we take is so motivating and life changing 😃😃😃

Every so often ( and I've been there !! ) we start a 'diet' for some event, manage it for a while and for most of us slip back to the old habits😕 I have learnt that it's about total lifestyle change and while it's still hard at times it is do-able😃

I do like your thoughts on not improving fitness and BMI but the reality that it's about a better quality of life wether it's a wgt loss of a stone or 10 !! All that is different is the journey !!

It's easy to be swayed by dress size but the big picture is the reality of good health, fitness and living a fabulous life 😃😃😃

You will love Rome and what an end result as your fitness improves ! Fabulous😃


What was Cadbury world like ?

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Thanks Flossie. Cadbury World was great but not like Willy Wonkas which is what I was hoping for ;) I only ate one Curly Wurly though so that was a result :)

in reply to sueper

So proud of you, only 1 curly wurly , and they're tiny !!😃

Onward and downward, have a great week😃


flavourfiend profile image

That's great! Now get ready to have your bum pinched ☺

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to flavourfiend

I know I should probably be offended but I'll be chuffed if I do ;)

Ros1 profile image

Sue, I so understand how you felt when you flew to Malta and not needing a seatbelt extender. I had the same experience last year when we went to Turkey, I saw a lady worrying as she could not do up her belt, it so brought the dreadful feelings I had when it was happening to me. I offered her some help to ask the air-steward for an extender and pledged to myself that I would not allow my weight to go back on.

It is so good to enjoy going for a long walk in the countryside or by the coast something I can't remember every being able to do! 8st 8lb gone, I would like to lose another 1st 6lb. This would get my weight down to 12st 3lb, with a BMI of 27, I know for many this would still seem very high but I think that it will be a weight that suits me. Have you got a long term weight you're aiming for?

Have a lovely time in Rome and your continuing goals for healthy living.

Ros xx

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Ros1

Hi Ros, isn't it fab not need that extender!

I'd like to get my BMI below 30 so out of obese. I haven't been less than 17 stone in adulthood so hard to know what would suit me. I think even 11 stone would be too low but maybe I'd feel differently if I got close to it. If I could get into a size 18 I think I'd be very happy - that would be about 14 - 15 stone I guess.

As you say, a BMI of 27 seems a lot to many but not to us having been so much larger. Whatever we settle at it will still be much healthier than we were :)

Ros1 profile image
Ros1 in reply to sueper

The target I have set myself of 13st 10lbs for your Easter challenge will see my BMI down to 30. I can't really believe that I could be down in the 13sts, it is nearly forty years since I was that kind of weight.

I'm 5ft 7ins and am a size 18 now, I still find I can't wear high waisted trousers as am carrying add weight above my waist. I find I need to have stretch around the waist to accommodate the spread I get when I sit down. I not sure if this will be something I going to have to live with even when I lose some more weight. I have quite a lot of lose skin after so many years of yoyo dieting I guess. Are you finding you're having similar problems?

Are you now finding you can buy clothes in the main high street shops, it is lovely to be able to do so. I'm trying to resist buying any more winter clothes at the moment, I have enough but it's so tempting to buy more when there is so much choice out there. Some of my size 20 & 22 still look OK and have not had much wear. By next winter I hope to be a size 16 but I am still very happy to be an 18.

Ros xx

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Ros1

Hi Ros,

I do look in the main high street shops but still in 22 - 24 so not much there yet. I think at a size 18 there are so many more choices - I will be poor ;)

I am still carrying weight above my waist so can't wear anything too tight. I don't have too much excess skin but my belly seems to have dropped a bit and yes I do get a bit of spread when I sit but I guess most people do.

Good luck with getting into the 13s, I am still chasing the 18s, I am sure I'll get there eventually :)

Ros1 profile image
Ros1 in reply to sueper

Yes the choice is much greater.

I know what you mean about the belly slipping, my belly button is not where it should be, but at least I can see it now as it's not hidden in folds of fat!! 😆

I know you will get there Sue, as you know for me the journey has been very long, over 2 years so far, but I have enjoy it, most of the time. I lovely feeling in control and being able to do so much more.

Ros xx

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Ros1

Wow Ros, over 2 years - it is such a long time but you are closer to the end than the beginning now :) I am coming up to 1 year, probably another 18 months to 2 years to go.

Sue x

its great to hear the real experiences of people... It made me think about some of the triggers for me that are signs for having put the weight back on.... struggling to fasten shoe laces again... clipping toe nails, changing the position i sleep in...... only ordering clothes on the internet because of the embarrassment or lack of available sizes.....

its all stuff you just kinda do and pretend it isn't really happening... Had the same concerns about seatbelt extenders on planes too..

These are really good motivators for keeping going with the weight, Although I have to say sueper losing 4.5 and Ros1 losing 8.8!! Wow... thats a real inspiration.....

well done to you both and thanks for sharing, its great to know I'm not the only one struggling with some of these things and also great to know that people can lose so much weight!!

As for the BMI, i really don't put much value on that- it doesn't take into account your physique, amount of muscle or general frame size..., I think the % body fat is a much better gauge for me, and that's what I'm working on getting into a better range...

Good luck all for the next weigh in...

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to


Isn't it funny how we delude ourselves - my trousers kept shrinking in the wash!!!!

It is amazing how you adapt as you get larger but still remain in denial - but it is also great when you get parts of your life back as the weight comes off!

Prin profile image

WELL DONE imagine carting around 5st day in day out how exhausting! We are in Rome next week and normally do a city bus tour when we do a city break, but the reviews are not great because of restricted access - the good news is there are a some free walking tours which we are thinking of, they will be right up your street!🏃🏃🏃

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Prin

Hi Prin - I am thinking of saving a load of empty milk bottles and then filling them up so I have 5 stones worth (when I get there) and then seeing if I can lift them. It is scary!

Hope you have a fab time in Rome - is this your first time? It is a great feeling not to be scared by the prospect of a walking tour :)

trafford1 profile image

Hi sueper,

It's great to hear that you have been able to book that holiday to Rome :-) how exciting and it's all down to you and all your hard work that has made this happen. I'm very happy for you :-) it has been a life changing year and you should be so proud and here's to another one in 2016 x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I love your posts Sue, because they're so inspirational and when Ros is on as well, it's a double whammy!

To relive your experiences from the starts of your journey, to present day, for someone that had 9st to lose, is so motivational. Your success stories make it all seem possible, that if we just put in the effort, we will reap the rewards.

Thank you so much for blazing the trail for us, you are absolutely amazing! :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless - it is good to remind myself how far I have come especially when I haven't seen much of a loss for a while. It helps keep me focused and I do like to let others know what is possible and how it feels to make such a positive change.

Still got miles to go but getting there slowly :)

Aww sueper - that's great news :-) And you will love Rome !!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

I can't wait :D

Corrine1 profile image

Just read your post sueper and it is so positive it made me smile. Really pleased you are doing so well and that you are able to now go to Rome. What a difference losing all that weight and improving your fitness has made to your life. It is great that you are sharing this with others and I am hoping that I will be able to say something similar about myself next year.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Corrine1

Thanks :)

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