Hello Everyone i am new to this and quite excited about it . One thing that constantly troubles me is i work in a Reception and the First thing that reflects of your weight loss is Your Face which can be lookign tired and Dull because of Exercise . How do you all manage that . Thank you in advance
Weight Loss without Looking ILL - Weight Loss Support
Weight Loss without Looking ILL

Hey, I think you can limit this buy only losing 1-2lbs per week, I personally just aim to lose as much as possible each week and not worry about 'looking ill' the alternative is 'being ill (fat)'.
Your skin on your face will catch up over time tightening because of its own elasticity.
Just my opinion though, wouldn't argue with anyone else with differing thoughts
So it sounds as though you may have 'dieted' or 'gone on a health kick' in the past... or perhaps seen others who have done that?
The NHS plan is unlikely to have that effect as it is not a 'quick fix' (ie short term) approach - it isn't one of those 'drop a dress size' or 'look good in a bikini' jobs. As NocturnalBear says a sustainable average weight loss per week (some weeks may be more, some less) will help - an increase in moderate activity (intense if you like it but you don't need to do as much) and focusing on healthy eating may well see you looking much better than you did before.
If you are drastically slashing calories below your basal needs and going at it like a bull at a gate in the gym, not having enough to drink and not getting enough sleep then yes, maybe you won't look so good.
I find a serum is quite a good antidote to looking tired (a cheap one is fine). And a beaming smile! And if you are succeeding at doing something you set out to do and enjoying it, the smile will be there.

I agree with the last two comments. It may also be that you have become used to looking a certain way and it takes time to adjust to the new you. Don't let others put you off they will also need to adjust to the new you. Eating the right stuff and enough of it and exercising regularly is likely to be the best beauty trick of the lot. Good luck.
Hi Gurkha - IGNORE THEM those people who say that - it is utter rubbish and they are jealous that you are doing something to make yourself feel better inside and out !!!!!!. If you take it slow and not crash diet - you will be fine. Exercise is easy - just go for a walk every lunch-time you are at work - even if it is just around the shops. Go for brisk walks outside whenever possible. And enjoy your new YOU xx
Hi Gurkha, welcome! I would think exercise should leave you looking flushed and glowing, not tired. Maybe you're pushing too hard if you're looking worn out?
As for weightloss, people may always assume the worst, as everyone else so far has said, give others and yourself time to adjust to the new you!
All the best!
People will always say that, don't lose too much etc but if you do some face exercises in the car!! or buy rosemary conley she did an elastic band type of face exerciser you may still be able to get it which was like a bullworker in your mouth only while you do the exercise. Anyway when you have lost weight you will feel so bright and breezy your face will light up with life so don't worry. I have been reading about dangers of too much glucose in your blood and type 2 diabetes that's so life threatening and we are all in danger of getting it by being overweight. Enjoy being thinner you will look great.
My face has never looked better!! 😃
I've lost wgt slow and steady and my face has lost it roundness and looks ok. 😃.
I did change my moisturisor to a firming one but some of that was age related, I'm in my middle 50's.
Don't worry about your face it will look after itself your skin will improve from the good eating and exercise and if have an 'off' day well slap on a bit of bronzer and blusher.!!!( even a fella can get away with a bit of fake face tan !!!)
Nothing looks so good as being fit and healthy😃
Hi Gurkha, agree with all of the above and the only thing I would add is make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep. Good luck
On your off day go into one of the dept stores and get a free makeup and maybe buy some blush and a good red lipstick and a little something to perk the face up spritz a little cologne and your good to go...It is all really in your smile and losing weight is really something to smile about..good luck
I agree with those who say this is nonsense. I've had comments that I'm looking better not worse. My skin and hair are much better. I'm giving my body more of what it needs and less of what it doesn't. Also my increased self confidence has had a knock on effect with how I dress, look after my general hygiene etc, remembering to put a bit of moisturiser on every now and then and so on! My hygienist at the dentists even thought I'd had a sneaky teeth whitening job as my teeth are looking better too! But we worked out it's actually from cutting out red wine. There's so much to be gained from losing weight. Don't be put off by negative thoughts like this, especially if they're just down to others' jealous comments! Lots of luck
Most older women do lose the weight from their face but heh if you are feeling healthier and in less pain then that surely is a price worth paying - beauty is from within -