2016 - I'm gonna knock your socks off - Weight Loss Support

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2016 - I'm gonna knock your socks off

β€’30 Replies

Weighed in and the display says 225lb!! Yes, yes, yes, yes..... I have worked so hard to gain this loss (6lb) and end a tough 2015 on a positive. So I can actually say I am starting 2016 lighter than last year. The run of shifts has helped admittedly over the last 4 days, but I am super pleased.

So 1/1/2016. = 225lb. First target 1/2/2016 = 215lb. Here I come 2016, prepare to be blown away. πŸ’£

30 Replies
skinnylizzie profile image

Isn't it a great feeling, you will get there, my next target is 3lb by mums birthday to get me to 12 st then feb24 hubby birthday 11.7lb not been this weight for 20 years!! Aiming for 10st .7lb for easter

in reply to skinnylizzie

It is a fab feeling, weightless in fact, lol. Good luck with your goals hun, we will reach them absolutely no doubt about it. 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Shellie,

Wow, that is so great to hear you've lost 6 pounds - you're lighter than last year, and that is such a great way to start the New Year.

2016 will indeed be blown away - Happy New Year!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal. Have a great 2016 hun 😊

trafford1 profile image



in reply to trafford1

I was gobsmacked, lol. πŸ˜†

There's no stopping you now ShellieL, go for it.

I shall be cheering you all the way πŸ˜†

in reply to

Aww thanks Tewson. We are all going for gold this year, and by gum we are going to get gold 😊

Congrats ShellieL - you're totally back in the game. But I'm a little concerned at the 1 month goal of losing 10lbs - I don't doubt you can do it, but it's ambitious! Maybe being ambitious is what spurs you on though! Lots of luck, and keep riding on the wave of those 6lbs lost. It's definitely moving in the right direction again now :)

in reply to

It is ambitious Ruth I know, but I need to keep my backside kicked, lol. I have my nephews wedding to attend in May and 'The Dress' hanging in my wardrobe that doesn't zip all the way up yet, That is 4 '1st' of the month weigh-ins, so gotta aim high and really go for it. 😊

in reply to

Lots of kicking (relatively gentle) available on here, as and when you need it Shellie. Hope the zip eventually goes all the way up on that dress :) and good luck for the monthly weigh-ins. You seem to have a lot of plans in place, hope they all go well :)

in reply to

As long as the trend is down, the figures are just an aim. I'll be happy whatever. 😊

Fantastic made my day

in reply to

Cheers Aqua, I am feeling unbelievably positive right now 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Woohoo Shellie! WTG you! :)

You're on a roll now, onwards and downwards :)

in reply to moreless

Thanks hunny, about 18 weeks to my nephews wedding and I want to be about 30lb down by then. 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You can do that Shellie, I have absolute faith in you :)

My niece got engaged on New Year's Eve and I'm hoping she doesn't decide to get married before I can lose another 6 stone :)

in reply to moreless

Daunting isn't it? But we can do it, absolutely 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Seemingly impossible, but in reality, totally doable! :)

sueper profile image

A great result, well done.

Aren't weddings a great motivator? I have one in October and really want to be a comfortable size 18 but then.

Good luck with your target this month :)

in reply to sueper

They certainly are sueper, I have about 18 weeks to this wedding and will hopefully be about 30lb down by then. 6 weeks after the wedding I go on holiday so would like at least another 7lb off by then. By November 1st, my birthday, I am aiming to chop a further 21lb. Hopefully NYDay 2017 will see me about another 10lb or so down and seeing me with a loss of around 5st in total!!!! Ambitious, but it can be done with focus and a good attitude.

For now, here goes the first challenge of 10lb. I have to walk the walk in more ways than one,lol. 😊

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

I hope you succeed Shellie - I have found setting myself targets to hit by a certain date has really not worked for me :( My first dated target was the beginning of October and I couldn't hit it and the same happened with my xmas target. No idea why this has happened. But size 18 by October should be ok and not too much pressure.

I hope you have better success than me with your target - I have no doubt you'll hit it :)

in reply to sueper

I think having an ambitious target makes you reach further than you would have otherwise. When you don't make your targets it's worth thinking about whether you'd have achieved what you have without the target to goad you on...

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

It seemed to have the opposite effect for me :( As soon as I put a date on a target weight it all went to pot. I still have a general loss target for this year but think I'll avoid dated targets. The point for me is to get there - eventually :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

Does this mean there won't be an easter challenge? :(

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

I am pondering over it - might just try to lose as much as I can but not set a weight target.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

Well that's your challenge then, it doesn't have to have a number. We each of us respond in different ways, but your Christmas challenge was so motivating, I'm sure everybody would be grateful for another one.

You don't even have to participate if you don't want to, you can be the adjudicator :)

in reply to sueper

I will be chuffed with any losses whether on target or not hun. Giving myself a ballpark figure to aim at will hopefully keep me focused. 😊

Carolee13 profile image

Way to go Shellie! You've really done well, especially considering what you've had to contend with. Here's to a fab 2016!

in reply to Carolee13

Cheers hun, 2015 did seem to have more 'duff' points than highs. I have made a few promises to myself for this year and will be focusing on keeping them 😊

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