I am half way through this weeks 6 x13 hour nightshifts and feeling pretty whacked already!! Totally underestimated the sheer volume of work and stamina required for non-term time, which is silly as I have been in the same job now for nearly 5 years.
The dog has gone from having his paws walked off to doing a 'speedwalked' 3k each evening before I go to work, tonight will be no exception. All the decorations and tree are now neatly packed away and the house cleaned, though not as thoroughly as I would normally have done. I did all this yesterday when I got in from work and before I went to bed, so resulting in even less 'between shift' sleep than normal - hence the feeling whacked after only 3 shifts. I really have to remind myself that I am in my late 40's and not my 20's and as such the old bag of bones needs a bit more TLC.
I plan on weighing myself tomorrow morning so as to start 2016 off in a positive way and wiping the slate clean from all efforts and more to the point, misdemeanours. I will post my weight, then only post the weight on the 1st of every month. I am tweaking strategies, etc.. and looking over my pitfalls/failings and successes to see what worked and what didn't. As rough a time as it has been of late, piling back on the weight I lost was painful - and very, very silly. Life will always have highs and lows, learning to cope without the use of food/drink as a crutch is imperative. Highs and lows are not a reason for over consuming, they are an excuse, a very silly and destructive excuse. I don't do New Year resolutions, they have a habit of becoming like a yoke around ones conscience and bringing down the positiveness and freshness of a brand new year in ones life. Instead I hope to discover and rediscover life and living through thought and deed in as positive a way as I am able.
Todays menu. Poached egg, mushrooms and tomatoes for 'brunch', vege chilli and garlic bread for dinner, and a portion of leftover vege hotpot to take with me to work tonight.
P.S. The pic of Alfie is how I am feeling right now - whacked, but content.