I have decided to begin my healthy lifestyle tomorrow. I'm taking my diet buddys advice and beginning tomorrow and not the 1st of January. Im very anxious about it, and I have to be honest l have not felt like this for as long as I can remember. I'm really worried that I have relied on food for comfort for so long that l cannot imagine not bingeing, overeating cheating lieing to myself etc etc etc etc ..........................
why am l like this?why do l think like this?will l ever be free of this?
l know what l should be eating. I have everything in place. I shopped today and its all in place for me. BUT .......l am anxious and worried l will fail again but the anxiety is a new feeling for me. I think being here is the support system l have sort for a long time. I want to conquer this thing so l can help myself to a better life and then I want to help others to beat this addiction.
Everything is ready for tomorrow. Small steps, good grub and being here x