Friday weigh in : Last week 12.8st, this... - Weight Loss Support

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Friday weigh in

6 Replies

Last week 12.8st, this week 12.8st! No loss no gain again! A very over indulgent Sunday lunch followed by 1 too many glasses of wine in front of the extended Downton led to hangover from hell on Monday and a day of munches just to stop me being sick. 😵 Never again! How many times before have I said that! But at least the scales haven't completely punished me. Next week I must lose at least a pound or two! I hope everyone else's week is more successful than mine! ☺

6 Replies

Hi, juliet44, well done in not putting on weight. All that's happened is that it will take you one week longer to get to your goal. I suspect you did not put the weight on in a few months so it won't drop off in a few months either.This journey we are on is establishing long-term healthy eating to sustain us for the rest of our lives. If you have made progress along that road you have been successful.

Do you think you may be putting too much pressure on yourself? Of course, I don't know but I did wonder when you say, "Next week I must lose at least a pound or two". Perhaps think of it this way, if you don't lose no one will come and put you in jail. Would it help to think, " it would be great to lose 1 or 2lbs because it will help me stay (become) well and give me the best chance of living the life I want" It may​ feel more positive and less like a sentence for some act of wrongdoing? Just a thought, apologises if I am miles off.

in reply to

No thank you, you are definitely right and I mustn't put too much pressure on. I have lost quite abit in a year so high expectations but it's bound to get more difficult. Thanks for the advice. Hope it's all going well for you ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Juliet,

Congratulations for maintaining your weight, despite an over-indulgent Sunday lunch and those glasses of wine from the extended Downton - sorry to hear you had a hang-over, and hope you feel better now.

This week is a fresh week - wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank Lowcal. Sometimes it's nice to overindulge but I did pay for it so glad to be back on the path of healthiness again. I hope all is going well for you ☺! Will try and clock in what's going on on Monday. Have a good weekend

Portlandprincess profile image

Maintaining is good....this week will be better. Keep on keeping on!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Thank you. Will try. A better less indulgent weekend so hoping for a loss!

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