I have been using the NHS site since April, I have lost about two stone but have now come to a halt, but will keep trying
just joined: I have been using the NHS... - Weight Loss Support
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Hi Pollyanna80,
Congratulations on losing about 2 stones since you started back in April, that's really great. Have you got much more weight that you'd like to lose? I find it can really slow up when you're into the final stone. The fact your weight loss has come to a 'halt' means that you're maintaining your 2 stone loss, and that's good in itself, so I hope you're congratulating yourself for that achievement.
Hope you have a great weekend, and a good week ahead.

It always frustrating when you hit a plateau.
Sometimes all you need to do is vary your exercise routine or have a few days going carb free to kick start your engine....
Keep at it. Eating less calories then you burn works. It always works. Sometimes it just takes a little time for it to kick in is all