So the weekends over...: Actually, I... - Weight Loss Support

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So the weekends over...

libbydaniels88 profile image
18 Replies

Actually, I didn't do too badly on the weekend. Its gone downhill since :(

Like a spoiled child, ive been in a bad mood since Monday, cross with myself for being cross ! Does that make sense? Knowing I have to do this, but resenting it. I haven't really been that bad either

I've definately exceeded my personal calorie goal of 1200 per day, probably more like 1600 - but then I see posts from some of you who are losing weight on this....

Its just the overall, deadly dullness feeling of...when will this be over? When will this awful craving leave off?

And its not even a craving for something I could put a name to- its just a longing for the whole need to diet NOT to exist. I just feel totally fed up and spent.

Hip still aching, osteopath helping a bit but not as much as id hoped, lack of sleep due to night pains from hip and knee.

God what a mournful , pathetic, weak snivelling and self centered person I sound. Just the type of person I hate.

So, im facing another day. Im sorry to post such a load of negative drivel...its just my mood is so low this morning, and it helps to moan to someone , even if it is only my keyboard.

Any encouragement anybody can spare would be greatly appreciated


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libbydaniels88 profile image
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18 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Hey Libby, sorry to hear your low at the moment.

Can I just ask...why does your calorie count have to be 1200? if you up it, it will take much longer to get into the clothes you want to wear but it's more important to enjoy the journey.

Hope your leg isn't painful at the moment...and Thinking of you

June1965 profile image
June1965 in reply to Portlandprincess

Agreed portlandprincess !!!! Well said...😜😘

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to Portlandprincess

Thanks princess- just because im desperate to lose weight fast, so I compromised with myself on 1200. Originally I planned 1000. Not sure its a good idea now tho. I've had a bigger breakfast than usual ( 2 Weetabix, 2 ryvitas with 1 slice cheese (99 cals) and 1 tsp ginger marmalade. I dont feel so empty now - think ill have to sacrifice speed for sticking power and up my count to maybe 1400.

Thanks for replying so soon - means a lot x

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to libbydaniels88

The extra 200 will feel amazing! ..and good luck this week my lovely....

June1965 profile image

Hate it when that happens to me !!!!

Don't kick yourself too much........ Talk to yourself and change that bad thinking 😡😏

Go for walk.....or just start laughing out loud.....😎😜

Keep in touch, you can do it.....

Hi Libby,

Maybe you need to rethink your intake, why are you that low or are you on the final push?

I think when we start to overhaul our lifestyle we under estimate the time and energy it all takes. In the past as a yo-yo dieter I would be 'good' for a while loose weight then slip back and be back to where was in a few months.

The reality is we are all making changes this time for good and that all takes time.

Hope today goes better and what not do do something nice for yourself today even if it means blowing the calorie budget !! 💐

Pain does add to a difficult day so make sure you medicate well and maybe try to have a nap in the day ( I know I sound like a nana lol)

Take care


libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to

Haha no your right, like Portland princess - my count is too low, ive maybe 5 stones to lose yet, I just wanted speed !

This morning my tee shirt definatelty shows a loss, its not showing a belly like it was but actually hanging loose for the first time in ages.

I am taking naps yes, coz I don't seem to get a proper sleep at night, that's a vicious cycle I know, but sometimes I can't resist, and anyway, all the cocodamols tend to make me drowsy.

Thank you also for your support.

If you sound like a nanna that's great - my nanna always gave good advice:) x

Hi Libby,

I would just echo what PortlandPrincess has said - a calorie count of 1200 is quite low, and might not be helping with your mood and cravings ? Better to plan something that is achievable and leaves you feeling a happier person. See if you can plan a few days meals / snacks that come to 1500/1600 per day - hopefully this will cheer you up that you can fit in a few extra things to eat, try it for a week and see how it feels and if it shifts the weight.

Hope you mood lifts anyway - it's awful when you feel rotten especially if you've got pain as well - good luck :-)

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to

Thank you Lucca - I am going with 1400 - 1600 scares me :D Im sure your right tho, my daughter who is eating tons on slimming world is getting on well, and hasn't hit a slump yet.

Thank you for your support - it means a lot to me to have you all behind me x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone

Hi Libby,

I implore you not to make the same mistakes that I made for over 40 years. Crash diets, looking for the quick fix of pounds loss, a fleeting feeling of elation, followed by the misery of seeing it all go back on and the soul destroying start of yet another diet, more self denial and more misery. It's a downward spiral and it consumes you.

Over the years, I've lost the equivalent of several people, but am now a whole person bigger than I started out.

Starvation diets don't work! Please be kind to yourself. You deserve better treatment than this. Slow and steady wins the race.

Embrace your journey and enjoy every minute of it, because if you get it right this time, you'll never have to do it again :)

All the very best xx

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless- I know its the truth, ive done the same myself over the years, and yes, here I am again as well, trying to lose weight. Why do we do this to ourselves ? Its so desperately hard when you realise that you've put weight on, and its like a knee jerk reaction I suppose. Im SO scared of eating if im dieting - yet when im not dieting, its no holds barred, eat all I can see! I know this isn't the right way, and I promise I will increase my calories - im counting 1400 today. How big that looks! I feel ill never lose weight on it but yet I also know I can't keep it up the way I am going...

Thanks for your support and advice.

I am acting on it - even tho its hard :) x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone in reply to libbydaniels88

Believe me Libby, I know how hard it is :) I'm having to come to terms with consuming 1800 - 2000 cals per day! In the past, I wouldn't allow myself more than 1000.

It appears that we all have a self-destruct button and are quite adept at pressing it! :) We wouldn't dream of being so cruel to anyone else.

Together we can beat this masochistic tendency and become the happy, healthy people we deserve to be.

Loads of luck :)

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to moreless

Really? That many ! Although when I mentally calculate how many calories my slimming world daughter is putting away, it must be going on that way - and she is losing. Just goes to show! Im increasing and feel better already for a bigger midday snack


in reply to libbydaniels88

Hi libbydaniels, I'm at my goal weight and still managing to lose weight on 1400-1500. As you still have a fair bit to lose, you will be able to have a higher amount of calories and still see regular weight loss. The NHS BMI checker is good as it shows you a range of calories that is healthy for your weight, either to stay the same or to lose. If you aim for the lower end of that range, you will lose weight. No real need to go any lower. Hope this means you'll find this all much more manageable :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to libbydaniels88

better off going for something that is sustainable into the future rather than a short term fix!

RachySP profile image

I've felt exactly the same this morning. All my own doing four days away from work, overindulged, though only slightly and didn't get my exercise goals hit. So this morning I'm back at work feeling miserable, cross with myself and fed up because I let myself down and I know that I've only myself to blame for the unhealthy, overweight person I have become. Thankfully I've now given myself a good talking to. Arranged a c25k week 4 run for after work, planned a healthy tea and shook myself up a bit. So now I'm feeling better. I try not to think of myself as dieting just eating healthy with a limit!! Slow and steady will get me there. Its taken 20 years to get where I am now so to get back isn't gonna happen overnight.

But we put unbelievable pressure on ourselves sometimes. I think it takes a long time to realise what's happened and then we just want to change everything at once. I think that's human nature but after a good ten years of half hearted attempts to get fit and healthy I truly believe that if we cut ourselves a bit of slack, give ourselves realistic goals and allow ourselves to fall off the wagon now and again without it becoming the end of the world we'll get there in the end. Chin up chick, we all have days (and sometime weeks in my case it feels) like this.

Do something nice for yourself, because you're worth it.

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to RachySP

Thanks Rachy - its so good to be able to share our feelings on here - its a brilliant sounding board. It made me feel much better to read all my messages of encouragement this morning, so I hope you can also get back to liking yourself and forgiving yourself for being human, because that's what its all about really. What's done is done, it really is better forgotten. The times ive ruined my diet in the past and said "oh blow it - lets go to the shop and make a REAL day of it" it never works though, just leads to more unhappiness.

Hugs to both of us- lets get through this together !

How did your exercise go?

RachySP profile image
RachySP in reply to libbydaniels88

Sounds like you're feeling a bit more positive 😊 I've picked myself up dusted myself off and got back on my happy healthy bandwagon. Completed the first run on week 4 of the NHS C25K. It's the first one where you run longer than you walk and I'm feeling pretty smug with myself for not slowing down or giving up. Weird what a few hours, a good internal talking too and a bit of reading can do isn't it. You realise we're all in it together and so many people struggle with the same things! Good luck, hope tomorrow feels like a better day for you.

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