Friday weigh in.: Last week 12.11st... - Weight Loss Support

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Friday weigh in.

14 Replies

Last week 12.11st, this week 12.9st ☺. Feeling better already. Particularly walking more thanks to the new school run which enables me to leave the car on the drive. Drinking less alcohol which enables better sleep so all good. Even the bad tooth is behaving and hasn't been extracted as yet! I hope everyone else's week is going well ☺

14 Replies
trafford1 profile image

Well done on losing 2 pounds this week juliet444 :-)

in reply to trafford1

Thank you Trafford 😊

Congrats on the 2lb loss and all the changes that you're making. Good luck for week 2 :)

in reply to

Thank you ☺Hoping to get back to pre summer weight ASAP

weedeepeachy profile image

Well done, walking defo makes a huge difference x

in reply to weedeepeachy

Thank you. Yes and in this weather is great ☺

Portlandprincess profile image

Hey Juliet...really good going you! And so pleased that the tooth is behaving...tooth ache is a real pain😉 and super energy burning...two pounds! Go you!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Thanks Portland Princess I hope all is going well with you too ☺

Brilliant - well done :-) That walking must be doing you lots of good. Funny about the tooth - I was just thinking yesterday that one of my back teeth that sometimes gives me problems (problems with the gum) has been feeling much better recently - I was thinking that I'm probably eating less sugary things and that is helping.

in reply to

Yes Lucca 10 you could be right. I am hoping to avoid having it taken out 😕

Hi Juliet,

Really good result and glad you are feeling the benefits of a daily school walk😃.

Sounds like a good week all round.

Have a lovely weekend and even better week


in reply to

Thanks Flossie358 I hope all going well with you too. Enjoy your weekend too ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Juliet,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is excellent! :-)

Great that you can do more walking thanks to the new school arrangements, and well done for reducing your alcohol consumption too.

Thank goodness you're not experiencing too much tooth pain - hope your extraction happens soon.

I was doing ok in the early part of this week, but went out for a meal last night and ended up 3 pounds heavier this morning, but hoping that will disappear again, as the meal was quite salty!

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal very brave of you to weigh yourself after a night out. It's very healthy to let your hair down a bit so don't worry I am sure by Monday your gain will have gone! I really try and only weigh on Fridays as it can be so up and down. Have a lovely weekend and I hope you get a good result on Monday ☺

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