6 O'clock nooooo...........: Well it's... - Weight Loss Support

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6 O'clock nooooo...........

Jo4950 profile image
18 Replies

Well it's 6 o'clock and I have been up and about for 3 hours. Pain in back too unbearable this morning to stay in bed unfortunately.

Took some pain killers a few hours ago, trouble with that I have to take them with food and I have already eaten half a packet of biscuits (No, half a packet of biscuits is not mandatory with pills, but hey my excuse is I am knackered) Haven't bought biscuits for ages so the state of these was definitely questionable !!!!!! I still managed to munch my way through them. Didn't even enjoy them boo hoo.

Found my self wandering about looking for something to eat as so fed up, so thought I had better get on the laptop and spill out the rambling of biscuit gloom (sorry everyone for the rambling post)

As soon a sit is light enough I am going to go for a walk to hopefully ease pain a bit. Looks like I will be doing it in the pouring rain but hey, it'd better than the pile of toast I am now considering !!!!!!!! PS with marmalade oh noooooo.........

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Jo4950 profile image
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18 Replies
Dave1961 profile image

Oh Jo that's just awful - I really feel for you.

I had a cousin who suffered in a similar fashion. He ended up using pilates to strengthen his core and abs to take some of the strain off his back but I doubt yours is anything as light weight as his was.

The biscuit thing is odd isn't it? When we are in the zone for eating a little stale or a little soggy doesn't really make a difference - it just means complete disappointment when we see the empty calories we ate and got no joy from it at all!

I hope the walk helps.

Thinking of you.

P.S. I really don't see your problem - I have been up for NINE HOURS so I'd stop complaining if I was you :P

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Dave1961

Nine hours my god what have you been doing !!!!!!!! don't worry complaining stops now.

Loved your post earlier about the emotional stuff very eloquently put, couldn't have put it better my self, no really couldn't have put it better!!!!!!!.

Walk + music should do wonders, as long as no one see's me jigging along to music, but then again who gives a monkey's uncle what anyone thinks it will be good for me !!!!!

Hope you have a good day. :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Jo4950

DId I forget to mention its 3:00 in the afternoon here? :D

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Dave1961

And of course you've had a lay in and are now enjoying a lovely day of work !!!!!!!!:)

Is it sunny there or as miserable as sin like here ?

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Jo4950

Perfect spring day. 20 degrees, blue sky, light breeze. Shame its all behind that glass at work! :)

And no - no lie in for me - I am terrible at going back to sleep once I wake up anytime after 4:30.

Remember when we were young and sleeping till noon was just what you did on weekends!

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Dave1961

It feels like along time ago that those lie in's happened, what happened to those years noooooo..... I think I got old.

My son once said to me that as you get older people need less sleep, is he implying I am OLD, by jove I think he was. I am a rubbish sleeper, I go to bed late then get up early, like you once awake that's it. It's one of the reason's I go for my early morning rambles, one day someone will call the police and say that there is a random deranged woman wandering the streets !!!!!!

Well as I wander road the street's jigging away to the music in the rain, I will dream of sun and light breezes lol

mandy_ydnam profile image

Good morning :)

Im with you on the biscuit thing I do exactly the same. However I would then think 'stuff it I'm having the day off my diet' then before you no it, I've eaten everything in the house and probably been to the supermarket for more and then I'm sat feeling sorry for myself and put about 4-5 pounds on. Therefore my only advice to you is get back on your do now and forget the biscuits ever happened. I know its hard when your in pain so if you can't get back on diet then try make the best of the situation and pick the best foods you can.

Like your idea of a walk to try ease the pain plus it gets you out for a bit. I love walking in light rain makes me feel refreshed :) however if its a down pour of rain I don't go out (don't like splashing in puddles)

Hope your pain settles and you have a good day x

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to mandy_ydnam

Biscuits forgotten, horrible anyway, did I really say that !!!!!

Don't worry nothing much in house at moment as it's shopping day hooray !!!!

I know once I have had my walk all will be well. I love the rain as I puts others off from going out and lets me walk in peace :)

I have my wellies at the ready so should be ok.

Here's to a good day for all and no pain woo hoo

Have a good weekend

Portlandprincess profile image

hey Jo, back pain is just awful! 😔 Gets in your head. Loved reading the thread as you just picked yourself up, that's the beauty of the forum, were all in together. And hope you enjoyed your walk.😉

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Portlandprincess


Had a fab walk, soaking wet at end of it all but felt so much better.

Been shopping bought plenty of supplies for any more crisis. Rice cakes and banana being my favourite at moment. Going swimming later so that should help tonight's sleep.

Hope you have as great weekend.

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Jo4950

Just got back from a long walk.....not raining for a change....perhaps summers coming?

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Portlandprincess

Let's hope so, it makes everything seem so much better.

Good morning Jo! Its all been going on while we were asleep! We've found a use for Dave now - our knight in armour for our nocturnal panics! As others have said, just go back to normal, don't dwell on the biscuits. You say you have nothing in the house but you clearly have toast, butter and marmalade. Maybe plan a strategy for next time. What would have been a better snack to have with the painkillers, and how can you set it up better for next time, maybe keep some cereal bars in the medicine box? Hope the walk loosens up your back, maybe also get some nice salts for a nice bath soak. Best wishes for an excellent weekend :)

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to


Had a fab walk felt much better even though soaked through lol

Would have loved the toast ect but gluten intolerant so unfortunately know my limits, very boring !!!!!!! Bread was for the kids, biscuits gluten free so luckily not many in packet .

Been shopping so bought lots of my delightful rice cakes. Normally I have rice cakes and banana very filling.

Going for a swim later so hopefully tonight's sleep will be better.

Have a fab weekend

June1965 profile image

Oh dear !!☺️ Xx

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to June1965

All sorted now, had a nice walk and been shopping, no biscuits just rice cakes in cupboard woo hoo :) x

Hi Jo,

Sounds awful, pain and food tend to go hand in hand. Hope today is a better one for you.

Hope you manage to stand clear of the toast and marmalade lol

Take care and have a good weekend.


Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to

Lovely walk really helped, loosened everything off !!!!!!!

Went good shopping and fetched lots of fruit and rice cakes yummy so crisis averted lol

Swimming later so that should help me sleep tonight.

Have a fab weekend.

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