So my weight loss journey begins!
New start: So my weight loss journey... - Weight Loss Support
New start
me too! Good luck

Thats great.
A few things you should try.
1. Download Myfitnesspal. It is a GODSEND and absolutely free. Counts calories, scans barcodes, even imports recipes from the web and calculates the calories.
2. Plan, plan, plan. When you don't have a healthy snack nearby or are stumped on what to cook for dinner it is WAY too easy to go off the rails. I plan my menu for 7 days and even order online so the supermarket delivers...and its one less chance for an impulse buy!. Sure I might deviate a meal here or there - that sometimes can't be helped - BUT having it ready and raring to go has made losing weight so much easier for me.
3. Commit to a 30 day plan to exercise every day. Whether its a 30 minute walk or a 20 minute jog or a bicycle ride or swimming some laps do it for 30 days, rain, hail, sleet or shine, sickness - no excuses. I guarantee when you to that 30th day you will be someone who now WANTS to exercise.
Good luck - can't wait to hear how you go!
P.S. If you want to join in we have a weigh in every Monday for a whole pile of us - @Lowcal will post first thing and you just add in your figures if you want
Thank you! I've lost weight before but seriously fell off the wagon! Time to get a grip.
I am a veteran dieter - I have either been ON a diet or felt crap because I was NOT on a diet for decades. This one will stick for me.
I am even planning to only weigh myself once a month and simply eat healthily and listen to how my body feels instead of looking at numbers. If we are eating right and exercising then whether or not the scale says we have lost we feel a little healthier and more vita; each week.
THAT is the important measure not some arbitrary digits on a box of springs.
Ah yes... I can relate to the veteran dieter thing! At the moment I feel crap and know that I need to change things up a bit. I've got the fitness app that you suggested 😀 so I'm on my way!
Just need to get my head around and me have a terrible relationship but I need to address that issue too.
Don't forget you can scan barcodes - I love that ! lol
I use a Fitbit Flex which only cost me $100. It has an app as well so I always know where I am at and you start top find just little ways to increase your activity so you start to get to your 10,000 steps a day.
It talks to Myfitnesspal (MFP) and lets it know how many exercise calories you have burned so you don't have to log them and MFP then tells you how many extra cals you can eat if you WANT to eat your exercise cals.
It all works really well and kind of feels quite goal driven each day.
That barcode thing is awesome! I'm gonna have fun with this

I have never been able to do the exercise thing but I started by walking. I deliberately got off the bus or parked the car short of my destination. I determined to use stairs not escalator or lift.
I built it into my day. Now doing exercise videos at home. At least 45 mins 3x a week. .. Aiming for 5 x.
Just build it in and build it up.
You will get lots of encouragement here as well as inspiration, motivation and advice.
Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey.
Thanks! I'm looking forward to making some changes.