Hi all,
I started NHS weight loss at the beginning of the year (I think). I was obese. I never liked having my picture taken then. I did well with the program and it really changed my life. I feel so good about myself.
In conjunction with the weight loss I also did C25K learning to run program so as to get fit at the same time. Think of me as obese who could not climb 14 stairs without feeling sick. Was uncomfortable trying to cross my legs. Needed to sit down as I was always tired. And now : I am healthy, fit, and in my eyes: slim. I can wear anything and feel good in it. I am Very happy.
Today was my first Fun Run. 5K of running and I got a medal for it. Yeeeaaaah!
So to all of you out there, you can do it. Stick to the 12 weeks program. It may take you a touch longer as you may want to redo a couple of weeks. Take it easy, slowly, go from one small goal to another small goal. Buy yourself bright clothing as a reward. Enjoy life and above all: be happy.
My BMI tells me I should loose a bit more but at my age my skin does not shrink too well so I am staying as I am now. The new me: looking good, healthy, happy, having the time of my life. YOU can do it too.