Too hot to handle: I have always been an... - Weight Loss Support

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Too hot to handle

β€’11 Replies

I have always been an autumn/winter girl, for me there is nothing like the smell and feel of a cool day. The crunch of golden leaves underfoot or the wonder of intricate patterns that form perfect snowflakes and frosted pavements. Even when I was a slim young thing, summer never held the same feelings of utter joy for life that a good stormy day could - or still does. The food in cold weather gives a wonderful sense of comfort and love, the aromas wrapping around you like a warm embrace. No matter how beautifully presented, summer food has just never held the same pull for me; and the hot days appeal even less. So whilst many are glorying in these sultry summer days, I am counting the said same days down ready to welcome September.

Don't get me wrong, I sit on the patio with a good book and cuppa many times, but I am under canopy in the shadiest part. I take holidays abroad and at home in summer, my children would have linched me if I had suggested going somewhere cooler for our main hols each year. They and my ex love the sun and heat. I don't. I am truly one of those strange beings that think winter is 'cool beans' whilst everyone else seems to be shivering. The kids wrap up like eskimos whilst I am still in a tshirt. My favourite holidays have always seemed to be those taken out of season, in cooler places, where I have been able to explore the culture and food comfortably chilled - in temperature and temperament.

At 32*C, today has left me feeling rather out of sorts. The dog seems to be feeling a little jaded too. I can't be bothered with anything, even cooking. Now if you knew me well, you would know I adore cooking and baking and use it as therapy frequently. Nothing normally halts my obsession with concocting wonderful dishes for the people I hold dearest. Today I am halted, slam dunked by heat and grumpy as hell. Today I have dark thoughts to go and eat a tub of cornish ice cream, down ice cold chablis or dollop clotted cream onto cherry scones. But I don't, I sit with a glass of slimline tonic with lime and ice and a bowl of plain strawberries. I am not feeling virtuous though from sticking to my healthy eating, I'm feeling robbed of pleasure somehow. 😞😞😣😣

11 Replies

Come and live in Scotland - you'd love the weather here! According to the 10 day forecast, it's due to be peeing down from the weekend on though next week with temperatures in the teens :-)

What about trying some inventive salads during the hot weather or some nice healthy BBQ food?

I hope that you feel a bit chirpier soon :-)


in reply to

I eat salads and am quite inventive with them, but I have never enjoyed salad. BBQs are wonderful - but not in summer. Forgive my grumbling, I am just a summer grouch, lol. I have been to Scotland many times and loved the cool, often wet weather. You can't help but love the life and movement of stormy weather, it certainly makes me feel alive! Hope you have some summery weather after your storms ( unless, like me, you don't like the heat - in that case, enjoy the wet, lol)

I'm also happier in spring/autumn. Born a red head (although faded to brown now) I get burnt very easily and have had heatstroke/heatrashes even when in shade. But I find ways to cope in the heat -you just have to! Billowing cool layers, a handheld electric fan to take with you, lots of options of cold drinks, and just slowing right down. Also I take evening walks in the cooler temperatures to make up for feeling cooped up in shade during the day. Can you look up recipes to make healthy home made sorbets too? I think there's something where you scoop out halved oranges, blend with orange juice and a bit of sugar, then scoop back into the skins, before freezing. Mush it with a fork every 30min or so as it freezes and then you have some healthy orange sorbets. Maybe you can channel your cooking skills into things like this that ease your discomfort in the heat?

in reply to

It's more that I am irritated by summer. Too many people, too much manmade noise, too hot..... I don't tend to sit still often, bit of a whirling dervish if truth be told. Even my family say they have to book themselves into my diary to get some time with me without my hands and attention doing something else or being somewhere else. In summer my pace is slowed unwillingly. Heyho, 'tis but for a short time each year, lol.

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I can totally sympathise though. As soon as you suggest it's too hot or complain people think you're a killjoy, there's this expectation that we should all be grateful for summer. Whereas it's okay to grumble about winter, which lots of people fare better in. Are you in the city then? I find a few trips out of town help, if you can book them in somehow, to get the fresher version of summer that happens away from the traffic and heat haze of the city. Hope it cools off and you can get back up to speed again soon!

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Lol, I live in the country, miles of fields surround me. A long winding country road takes me to the nearest town. I am just being a grump, should be counting my blessings instead of whinging. After all, summer in this country is 'blink and you miss it' πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜Š

Jenever profile image

Oh dear you sound so down in the dumps. I have to admit to being a bit of a sun worshiper but after reading your post I would love to be sitting down to a nice stew later today!

Look on the bright side...we've had the longest day and the children are soon breaking up for the summer, that's always an indication the weather is about to take a turn for the worse. Before you know it September will be here and our thoughts will turn to Christmas.

I hope you manage to enjoy the sunshine from a cool shady part of the garden.

in reply to Jenever

The worst bit of summer for me are the school holidays, lol. It means I have to work harder and longer, with greater risk of injury in the job I do. I work with yong people on the severest end of the autism spectrum and they cannot cope with the summer hols at all. Therefore we have at least 1 staff hospitalisation a week!! I also work permanent nights as it fits with my homelife better, but the hols mean the world and his dog is outside whilst I try to sleep.

Blimey!!!! just reading what I have written makesme sound a right old misery, lol.πŸ˜€

Bluehills profile image

I agree, it was just too hot yesterday - but I have found an easy & quick frozen desert that's cooling - mash ripe bananas, stir in same weight 0% fat yoghurt or crème fraiche, and freeze, mashing with fork or returning to blender every hour or so (although if you forget & leave it longer it's not a great problem). Delicious! And I must admit to hanging my head down into the freezer for a while, too!

Oh, but I do so love the light mornings and evenings. I don't like raging heat, but, boy, do I need the light! Working full time, I hate the troglodytical process of going to work and back in the dark. Love being cosy with a good fire, but I would trade it for more external light any day. Oh, and I deeply envy you living in the country! :D

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It takes many differences to make a whole round. It would surely be a dull world if we all had the same likes and dislikes, including the weather. I have lived in the country for 14 years, but lived most of my life before growing up and living in towns and cities. There is much to be said about both, good and bad. I do love being able to go out of my front door and less than 5 minutes later being in the fields with the dog I must admit. 😊

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