I've fallen off the wagon rather in the last 4 days. First a barbeque party on Thursday and then I've been to stay for the weekend in a house with amazing food. To start with I was self-controlled but then I allowed myself more and more of the interesting treats at the table and in between meals from the pantry. So many tasty M&S treats in there!
My first meal back in my own house last night was a modest soup and herbal tea but then I completely lost it and ate two packs of cold meat, jam from the jar etc - just bingeing on whatever I could find. I am hoping that writing about it is going to reset my habits to their pre-travel state. I was so enjoying not having my mental life ruled by food.
I had got down to 12st 12 but now I'm back up to 13st again. Weirdly my waist is down to 92cm but I think this must be because I was bloated last time I measured and got 97cm.
Action and resolutions:
I have thrown out the jam and butter we had for guests. There is nothing else obvious that is unhealthy eaten in small portions left in the kitchen. But I'm working at home so there is a risk of just eating too often and too much. I will just have to drink a lot of strongly flavoured herbal teas.
I will go on a run late tonight. I might be able to go swimming early afternoon if I do enough work. I can at least do some toning exercises for breaks from work.
I will find some solution to the light coming in through my window early in the morning. Tiredness definitely makes me more tempted to eat.