Happy days ! Weighed myself this morning and now weigh 23st 12lbs. That is one stone lost! Onwards and downwards!
1Stone Down 11to Go: Happy days... - Weight Loss Support
1Stone Down 11to Go

Very well done on losing your first stone. Onwards and downwards is what I say too lol. Keep going you are doing great and have a good week ahead

That's brilliant. Keep going.
Thanks Gonti,
All good things come to an end.. Beer, wine, fatty foods, sweets..... Hmmm beer...sorry got sidetracked there!
I'm sure I will have bad days.. Spirt is willing but the stomach is week but Onwards and downwards!
Good luck with your quest! Support always here on the site. if you need it as others here are of the same mindset!

Hi Airbornepara,
Congratulations on losing 1 stone! That is so great. Really well done, and I hope you're feeling good. You sound positive and motivated, and here's to more 'happy days' ahead.
Wishing you a great week.
Wow well done pal keep it up👍🏻
Well done, it's a lovely feeling when the scales reflect your efforts.
You are an inspiration to us all, not just for the stone lost (well done for that) but for your positive attitude. May the next stone roll away!
Hi PeaQueen,
Thanks! Love the music analogy "Roll Away the Stone" Mott the Hoople springs to mind! It should be the groups signature tune!
Good Luck with your quest!
Fab...really good loss, it's so encouraging when you see the scales going down. Have a good weekend.
That is amazing! Do you mind if I message you and ask you about how to lose weight? I just started and you're doing something right since you're doing so great!
Hi Jonadette,
I started by reducing my calorific intake working to the Newcastle diet (Google it and look under Lothian NHS.) It's for those who are Type 2 diabetics ( I'm not but was heading that way)
Approx 800 calories ). It involves 3 meal replacements per day with a meal replacement ( I use daily 3 x Tesco Ultra Slim meal replacement shakes) totalling around 600 Calories.
You need take in addition 250 calories of non starchy vegetables to supplement the change to liquid food.
Add to that 2+ litres of fluids you should see a fast weight loss they recon 2,5kg loss in the 1st week.
I have changed the 200 salad a few times for Turkey rashers and other foods but work to the 200 Calorie limit.
I put down my additional weight loss do walking 5-7000 steps daily and football training 2 x a week.
I realise that the weight loss will slow down and I may plateau but as I've said before I will increase it to 1200-1500 calories when I need to do so.
Don't do the diet without speaking to your doctor but so far I've had no ill effects. But with my weight now at 23st 12lbs I'm sure the body will allow me to lose a lot more before it reverts to starvation mode and retains fat stores.
My only problem is that I've tweaked my hamstring so I'm not so vigorous on the training pitch!
I hope this helps!
Thank you very much looks great! You're so active and your diet is on point! Screen captured the whole thing! Much appreciated! Do you still have cravings for unhealthy food?
I used to have more chins than the Chinese phone book with my cravings.
Occasionally since beginning the weight loss I have succumbed to the odd pkt of 25g Walkers Ready Salted ( first 2 days) but otherwise strangely not.
I now even drive past McDonalds were as before I would stop and binge on Dbl Cheeseburgers and fries!
Got over that problem by thinking of a slimmer me and how many calories I would have to burn up for a moments weakness!
A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips, arms, legs and chin!
Good luck!
That is fantastic news well done! I can see I have a strong challenger here to get below the 20 stone mark before me - pft! I bet you can't wait to see that number 19 - I so can't!
Keep it up!
Cheers Sueper,
I Want to reach 22st 12lbs by the 16th June as. I'm off to Spain for a week. Don't want that airplane seatbelt extender!
No budgie smugglers for a longtime so stick with shorts!
Hardest thing will be not drinking as my favourite beer Estrella is sold in large amounts were my place is!
Still Aqua Sin or Con Gas is available in large amounts also plus there's weeding and decorating to do!
You might hit the na na na nineteen stone mark ( sorry Paul Hardcastle) before me.
The race is on! Lol!
Have a great holiday, hope you can resist overdoing on the beer but a few would be nice, you are on holiday after all. The good news is that a couple of lbs on one week seem to slide off quite quickly the following week!
So the race is on to na na na nineteen - see you there! In my experience boys seem to lose weight faster than girls so this could be interesting.
Well done airborne para !
A great start.
Good luck this week and enjoy your holiday too 😊
