So fed up...: I have osteoarthritis only... - Weight Loss Support

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So fed up...

4 Replies

I have osteoarthritis only in my left knee... spent 50+ days already in hospital this year..I do not want to go back! I cannot straighten my leg.. Now not taking any pain relief as I took 'heavy' medication for 3 months and still could not weight bare. Due to inactivity and being bed bound I developed multiple blood clots on my lungs... Have to take medication now for the rest of my life (Apixaban). I have joined this group for some advice... I really don't know what to do..I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!! Walking is really hard...not too painful in my knee, my back pulls now. I have anemia and have no stamina let alone energy... I need to lose weight as my knees cannot am I to lose weight if I can hardly walk?? I currently live in a disabled household too. Husband and daughter both have spinal conditions, (should say I am young 43!) I believe it or not am their carer!! Anyone have any advice? or suggestions as to what I can do??

4 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Dorafrance,

You are certainly experiencing a lot of challenges in your life at the moment, and it must be extremely tough to be trying to cope with all of those things.

I wonder if you've seen the NHS website pages - as there is some good information about eating healthily in order to lose weight, and it has a 12 week structured plan. The link is here, if you want to take a look at it:

I've heard people in the forum mention that there are some exercises for people who are disabled and cannot weight bear available - maybe some 'armchair aerobics' might be helpful. I haven't seen those exercises myself, but have heard others talk about them being helpful.

This community is very friendly and supportive, and reading other people's posts and the answers to other people's questions can often be helpful, as people share their experiences and try to help each other out.

I hope you find the information on the NHS website helpful, and that it can give you some ideas to start your own weight loss journey.

I always weigh-in on a Monday morning, and do a regular weigh-in post entitled 'Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (date in brackets)' - and you would be very welcome to join us there if you wanted to. I know that 'weigh-in's are not for everyone of course, but you would be very welcome - as is anybody else who happens to be reading this.

Wishing you a good day and a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you so much for replying :)

I will go check out the link ... I will give anything a go!!

Weigh in's..... Sorry I do not have any scales in my home! The weight is from hospital when I got out 2 days ago!!

The doctors in the hospital want me to take the heavy medications again and have physio... It's very frustrating for me as this has been going on since 9 th January and all I want to do is walk again!!

I think the only reason I can take a few steps now is due to the fact of losing 10 kg along the way from jan to now being stuck in hospital! I know I am carrying far too much weight ... Before my knee went I was on the Healthy Living program that ultimately led if wanted to weight loss surgery. I faught for years to get on the program having done everything the gp's wanted me to do over the years. I finally get on the program and have to leave because of my knee and being bed bound... I know it's the weight causing the problem.. It's proved over the years I need to exercise to lose can I do that with my knee out of action and me barely walking??! Frustrated ..YES!!

Thank you so much and good luck! :)

Willow308 profile image

Hi Dorafrance,

So sorry to hear about all your troubles, life must be very difficult for you at the moment trying to deal your own problems plus being a carer for your husband and daughter.

I do know on y tube there are some gentle chair exercises and also some relaxation videos which might be of use to you, a lady I knew use to do them daily and said there were so useful.

I have only started on this site this week and I am going to start the 12 week structured next Monday, I have downloaded the plan it looks really good, take a look and see what you you think, it might be something that appeals to you.

Good luck in all you choose to do, look after yourself.

It will be nice to hear your progress.

Willow xx

Anna999 profile image

Hi dorafrance,

Welcome to the forum, lots of friendly supportive people on here, I find it a great place for motivation and advice! I weigh in on lowcals post and also post my own progress updates.

First of all, the most important thing to get under control for weight loss is diet. The NHS plan that lowcal gave you the link to is a great place to start. I also use an app, my fitness pal, to count calories which really helps keep me on track.

As for exercise, there are lots of videos on YouTube for chair exercises aimed for people who are chair bound. If you have a bad back, strengthening your core muscles is key to providing your spine support. Just Google lower back exercises and give them a try. I've also heard the strength and flex NHS programme is good, though I've not tried it myself, so you could give that a go?

Additionally, depending on what you can manage, I have found cycling to be a great non weight bearing exercise (I had surgery on my knee a couple of months ago) it strengthens the muscles in your legs, providing more support to your knees and helps increase range of movement. I bought a stand thing so I can use my bike indoors and easily control the resistance, or you can use a static bike. Start off with the resistance really low and build up gradually.

Best of luck and I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on! 🌸

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