feeling hopeless: ive tried all sorts of... - Weight Loss Support

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feeling hopeless

siopao1980 profile image
18 Replies

ive tried all sorts of diets but i keep breaking it...food is my weakness...ive tried weight watchers, slimming world and managed to lose a few pounds but eventually gained it back..i noticed im good at starting things but i never stick to it...now i want to try this nhs 12 week plan but i doubt ut will work for me ...

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siopao1980 profile image
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18 Replies
Chris1964 profile image

I feel for you.......but there will be no magic formula, I think I'm just beginning to realise that! It's only by being strong yourself that it will happen. The clubs, the plans....what they do is offer a structure and something for you to follow. If you' e been to all the clubs, you probably know what it is that makes you put on weight, or not lose weight. I'm going to give it a go about feeling strong and capable myself.....I,' e reached the point where enough is enough, only I can do this. Use all the help and support you can and this message board is great for that. Let us know how you are getting on, the NHS 12 week plan will make you lose weight if you follow it. Stay strong and do this for you!

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to Chris1964

thanks im feeling a bit motivated now hope it last lol

Popley2 profile image

Dont give up! I too have tried numerous diets over the years, lost weight and then put it on again; and always with a fantastic excuse........ only one won't make a difference, then it's two, three, four etc........ it's my Birthday, Christmas, Easter etc........ I don't feel good, I do feel good, I feel alright etc......... I'm with friends, I'm on my own, I'm bored......... The list is endless. Then several weeks ago while in France I was persuaded, by my grandaughter, to try C25K. completed W1 with a great deal of huffing and puffing, returned to England and stopped. Looked at this web site, started C25K again and through this site found Myfitnesspal. Best app ever. I am now very focussed on what I eat, note it all down and have lost what was suggested for the week. I have also continued with C25K and about to try W2R3 tomorrow. I know it is early days but I feel really motivated and reading these blogs every day, and the lovely words people say, does certainly help. So, load up Myfitnesspal and try the C25K. Good Luck.

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to Popley2

thanks, i will download the app and try the nhs plan =)

Do you want a diet buddy? I lost three stone in two years but this last year I have been stuck trying to lose the last stone - going round in circles!! We can support each other if you like?

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to

thats probably what i need to be honest somebody who can motivate me i started losing motivation when my weight watchers leader wasnt encouraging me enough huhuhu lol but yeah thanks

nhs2015 profile image

You can do it and you will do it. You are strong and you want to be in control. Think of the pleasure it will bring you. Think of walking down the street and watching your slimmer reflection in shop windows. You can do it. NHS will teach you how to eat healthy. Once you have reach your goal weight, you will be so use to eat healthy that you will continue. It may be slower than other crash diet but it is good for you and it is not forever. I don't see it as a diet, it just teaches you good eating habits and you lose weight in the process. I am starting week 9 tomorrow morning. I had visitors and roast lamb and veges plus 20g of scrumptious camember at lunch time so tonight it is veges soup only. It is ok because I am full anyway. Good luck and be positive because you will do it.

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to nhs2015

thanks thats all i really need some motivation

Geza10 profile image

5-2 diet is the only way to loose weight and keep it off 600 cals for men 500 cals for women 2 days keep to the controlled calories the others eat what you like 4 weeks you will loose 8lb more if you walk 30mins a day

good luck and get ready to buy some new summer wear

Edithharrison profile image

Hi there my name is Jackie. My journey started last October when I went for my annual health mot test . My doctor bluntly told me I was obese and overweight, I that point I was 11 stone , I guess in his eyes he saw me as an overweight woman.

He told me that if I don't do anything about it I will be dead without ten years.

Mind you I have to say that I am a diabetics and high blood pressure.

I have been through countless diet, like you I have tried weight watchers, and watch what i eat, I kept loosing weight then I put it back again.

I was hopeless. So when my doctor told me that I was obese I decided to do something about it.

I joined a gym. And the coach to 5k run. And I am telling you now I have never look back. In three months I have lost a stone. I am a size 10 dress. I feel good. And I did it without dieting, just full on commitments by going to the gym four times a week.

Please forget about any diet. Just get put your running shoes on and honey you are on your way.

Hope this will motivate you. All you need is the willpower to plod on and 1 hour a day.

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to Edithharrison

i am counted as obese too 11.8 stones for a 5'1 tall woman but it still hasnt pushed me enough, i will try again this time, glad i found this forum

I have to agree that exercise is the key. I hate even the thought of gyms!! but there's lots of other things. Start with walking. It's free and you don't look stupid and you can do it as often as you like. Put on your favourite dance music and dance your way through the housework. Also try things like Zumba or aquafit with your friends, it's good fun. Good luck.

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to


pollyanna56 profile image

You are already setting yourself up to fail, by saying' but i doubt it will work for me'. You cannot lie to your self. You have to be brutally honest with yourself. if you have a picture of a much slimmer you, stick it on the fridge door, next to a picture of you as you are now. There is no such thing as a diet, only an eating plan FOR LIFE. If you want to lose weight, and keep it off, then be realistic with yourself, you cannot give yourself a treat, if you have not earned it, and if saying yes to one treat, means that you will have two, or 'another one won't hurt' then sadly you have to learn to say no. - and MEAN IT.

I am not being mean, i have been there, i do know how hard it is, and it has taken me 10 years to make myself say no, and even now i give in sometimes. - Actually the hardest bit was to train my husband to not keep offering me sweets/chocolate bars and saying well its only one love, that will be alright. Once we had that sorted, it made it easier, however i still have that last 5kg to lose. Even then the fight will be to keep it off. i did use a different eating plan than the one which you are embarking, but

I really do hope that you find in yourself the willpower to stick to the diet/eating plan, as the only person who can make it work is you. So good luck,

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to pollyanna56

everything you said is so it all depends on me, glad i found this forum, thanks

mum1955 profile image

Well I am happy to say I was saying the same as you just 3 weeks ago. The 12 week plan and this forum has kept me on the right path, focused and allowing myself to research all sorts of different ways at looking a the problem. I say this every time some one new comes on the forum. Find some realistic goals and aim for that.

For me it was no snacking (whatsoever) no eating after the evening meal, and researching and counting calories. Especially if you eat something you shouldn't. You will be surprised how much little munchie 'titbit' add up to. Like a choc-ice at 270 cals.

Give it a go and keep on the forum. Its a great place to find the support you need.

Good luck

Syd_Bukhari profile image

Right off the bat, If what you say is how you feel. I can relate.

I honestly think that for me, the issue was lack of understanding and a lead foot. Call it an unrealistic goal, light hearted approach or even call taking a blind sprinting bolt for the finish without PROPER prep for the change you're about to put your body through.

Recently I've done real research on tracking your food intake in values that actually matter to weight loss. I was silly to not pay attention to macros, how lifestyle simultaneously affects our health, maybe that's something you've overlooked? ah well, doesn't matter.

I honestly think if you want something really bad, you'll either do everything you can to get there, burn yourself out or disinterest yourself with it so much that it's just not what you want anymore (for the brief moment of despair anyway, usually a few days after, the regret of giving up follows hard and quick) Otherwise you'll forget about all the effort you put into this and try something new. Which is a weakness of my own if I'm honest.

On the flipside however, if you want something really REALLY bad, to the point where you know you can't continue the way you are. Then you can still fall the same way as described, OR you can pick yourself up and realise only you can make these changes, no matter what or who you surround yourself with, really the only person who can make these changes is you.

So make changes in your favour, they don't have to be a chore, but they do require working up a great deal of sweat and determination. You just have to find something that works for you. Maybe the things you've tried can all work harmoniously with eachother, call it a fusion diet/workout plan if you will. Believe in yourself at all times, never doubt what you're capable of doing. Chances are you can do more than you think.

These are my two cents, I have no idea what kind of weight loss you're looking at exactly, but I'm currently going through my own process in which I'm trying to overcome similar symptoms, and I think I've kicked them right out of my life for good this time. So I wish you well, you can do it :^)


P.S Weight Watchers and Slimming world in my opinion are a massive shot to self esteem. Instead of looking into programs that base your worth off these numbers on a scale, look into what your body requires to lose weight in terms of what you eat, and how your body processes the good/bad food. You can do this by yourself, with support of other people in the same boat using health forums such as this, which is likely to be a lot healthier for your mind!

siopao1980 profile image
siopao1980 in reply to Syd_Bukhari

so true weight watchers was more on self esteem i need to believe in myself so glad i found this forum

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