Hi all, I have just found the nhs weight loss plan. I have tried all these shake diets, meal replacement, I can't seem to stick to it!! After having my son 18 months ago I have fallen into a bad habit of eating CRAP!! All the time. I try not buying it, but I can't seem to stick at it. Please please someone help. I am going to try and stick to this one. It has only just sinked in the it's going to take a long while to shift the fat but I am willing to do it. Can people please give me tips and advice to keep to it? Also tips on exercise, I am a single parent with not much help, I don't have time to go to the gym. Does anyone combine this diet with any others? Just needs advice, I want to get in shape for summer, I don't want to be the parent sitting on the bench not playing with there child. Please please help!! Thank you.
Help!! : Hi all, I have just found the... - Weight Loss Support

Shakes, meal replacements....they're all rubbish. They're not food, and it's food your body is craving. Don't worry about going to the gym. Generations of people never went to a gym in their lives! Stay active. With an 18-month old that should be easy. Weather is getting better, lots to see out of doors, flowers, birds etc - take him out for walks, show him things. I don't know what you define as 'crap', but I would suggest - eat food as little processed as possible, not factory-produced. Simple quick meals cooked at home are better for both of you.
Don't despair!! This weight loss programme is excellent! One of the first things you need to realise is that it's NOT a diet - it's a healthy eating plan. Once that is in your head, it seems easier to stick to, I promise. I'm doing the five and two diet which I find really good for me and I'm planning to exercise by just using more steps in a day and getting my cycling going again. The bike probably isn't useful for you but a pedometer to count your steps each day might help. Also - something as simple as dancing along to a couple of songs on the radio or a cd also uses up calories for you. Try dancing with your baby
Yeah I have reilised I need to stop "dieting" I need to change my hole rutain really. This weekend I have opened my eyes to so much. Yeah I'm hoping the weather stays nice so we can get out more. I was thinking hour an half running round after my boy in the park 3 days a week will help. I am also doing a few exercises at home just to tone up. I need will power!! I kept thinking I should be losing weight after the first couple of day and when I didn't I would give up. I'm going to try my hardest to try and do the full 12 weeks and hopefully I will see a difference. I just want to be fit.
I'm just starting week 3 of the NHS 12 week plan and use MyFitnessPal alongside it to count the calories, it also helps with portion control ... Good luck on your journey 🌼
Been a while since I had my son but I found just going for long walks with him in his buggy rather than using the car or bus was a good way to fit in a bit of exercise.
Yes I have recently moved out of my parents house so have been going out a lot more and a bonus my mum lives a good 20 miniute walk away so I do that 4 times a week. I am going to download my fitness pal now and give it a try and think I'm going to try the 5:2 diet aswell but have a cheat day on Friday :/ see how it goes for a few weeks as I can't go without our family movie night and munchies. Will have to control my self and be very good during the week. Just need to find somethink that works and I like.