Hi everyone.. :))
I am 26y old, mum of 2y old and i am sick of my routine (no routine at all). I am sick of my weight (15st 9lb - 5'7''). I am sick of whining and doing nothing about it. I am sick of feeling FAT. (very up building right?? lol)
Well.. after trying soooo maaaany diets... and of course not sticking 100% to any of them, here I am determined to complete AT LEAST those 12 weeks... It will hard I have no illusions abut it.. but I won't give up this time.
My goal is not a certain weight loss - any lb down I'll be slimmer then what i am now.. But my goal is a CHANGE. Change of bad habits.. Change as getting my butt moving more.. I wanna do it not only for myself but most importantly for my son. He is only 2y old but i fear that he would go through the ''fat life'' i had when i was younger( and still have it). And looking back on those days I can definitely say that my parents could've help me get on the right track by changing their habits - mainly food portions and maybe use of less fat when cooking. I really want my son to be healthy but in order he to have good habits I have to change mine and THEN imply them in his life too!!
So the goals now are - Walk Walk Walk! Healthy cooked meals! And Drinking more Water!
Hope there would be some of you that would see themselves in my post and join the Journey of Change!