hi how do people get weighed do there weigh at home or boots or a group ive got scales at home I like to keep on the same scales
scales: hi how do people get weighed do... - Weight Loss Support

I started using the wiifit weigh in for a few weeks then i changed to a new set of scales, first week i used both to if it matched and it did and used the scales ever since.
I bought a new digital set and weigh myself on the bathroom tiled floor same place naked first thing in the morning once a week don't keep weighing yourself 2 or 3 times a week coz sometimes you carry a little water and if you put on a little bit it will put you off my sister do that then she give up!! Good luck with your diet x
I use a set of digital scales I bought years ago. The weight measurement is very consistent (in that I can get on and off a few times and they'll display the same reading). I can't comment on their accuracy because I have no known weight to compare them with. I'm really looking for trends, so as long as my weight is going down I'm not really overly concerned about measuring it precisely. They're accurate enough until I'm approaching my final target.
They also measure body fat % but I tend not to take much notice of that because it can be very variable though I do keep a record and watch out for trends - but over a much longer time than that for weight.
I currently weigh myself every day - more as part of a daily routine then anything else. If I leave things too long I start to forget about them so, for me, daily works best.