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i,ve just uploaded myfitnesspal on my pc filled everythink in and it says i should be eating 1890 calories aday i,ve put my food in for today and i,ve only had 1067 calories today

25 Replies
fibronfedup profile image

I went and changed the daily goal limit myself to 1400 as they said i should be on 2000 a day, didnt make sense to me, but i guess different organisations recommend different calorie limits, change the goals to what you want to be on each day, different things work for different people

fenbadger profile image

If you're not hungry don't worry. You don't HAVE TO eat all your "allowance". As long as your not nutritionally deficient you'll be ok, but don't starve yourself. Yes we're all different but the guidelines are broadly ok

My understanding is if you consistently eat vastly under (ie undernourished) you will have problems but I cant really see that happening with many people on this site.

I would not argue with the 1890 figure.

in reply to fenbadger

i,m not hungry at all

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to

Brilliant. I'm envious. :)

in reply to fenbadger

i car,nt get up in the morning but that mite be because its cold lol

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to

I have that trouble too. Love my bed, but when I'm up, I'm quite active.

zeidan profile image

I don't like myfitnesspal, and it didn't help me lost weight, it's just boring to keep registering everything you eat, you know. I tried to build my own discipline, using myfitnesspal just to see how much calories are in certain food items, then I got used to checking everything on my own. It was easier. Then I adhered to the calories mentioned in the 12 week plan, with exercise, and things are better now. good luck.

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to zeidan

MFP doesn't suit everyone. Nor does any other scheme. Glad you found something that works for you. Bottom line is we must burn more than we eat until we are where we want to be. Then you cant go back to the old ways.

Sadly whatever strategy I use, I'm hungry at least part of the day.

OlsBean profile image

A thousand calories is very very low Steve, double check your numbers and if they are correct think about increasing the amount of food you are eating. You have a very long journey ahead of you and the last thing you want to be doing is burning muscle mass. I know from my own experience that it's very easy to focus on the "now" and think things like just get the weight off and worry about anything else later, but if you are to be successful you need to plan ahead. At a around a 1000 calories for someone of your size you will be burning Fat but you'll also be burning muscle.

in reply to OlsBean

i,ve checked everythink i put in and it comes up with the same mate

OlsBean profile image
OlsBean in reply to

You don't have any kitchen scales though do you, or am I confusing with someone else?

Anyway see how you go but be careful because as I said a 1000-1100 calories is very low for someone with your BMI, I know someone of the ladies on here might read this and think that intake is fine but you have to remember you are big chap and because of your size you require more energy just for your body to perform basic tasks, hence the reason MFP gave you a higher daily calories target. The odd day here and there going that low is not going to hurt you but it should not become the norm :)

in reply to OlsBean

yes thats right no kitchen scales i,ve deleted it now anyway lol you know what i,m upto and i,ll let you know friday what has happened and praps we can chat more then lol

You should eat the amount otherwise your body will think your starving it and you will stop losing, its important you eat the correct amount.

jaypez profile image

Hi I love myfitnesspal. My calorie count is 1200 daily . I'm never hungry I'm not overly active , due to waiting for a ankle op . But I walk , normal day to day things .since October 14 I have lost 2 st 9 lb 3 dress sizes smaller . . I have just 11 lb to lose. .I enjoy scanning all the food, wow all the sauces, mayo, wine . I used to eat drink , I suffered from acid reflux on daily Meds ,off that now haven't had any problems. I'm full of energy ,feel fantastic look 10 yrs younger . So it worked for me . Good luck with it

elliebath profile image
elliebathMaintainer in reply to jaypez

Me too! Myfitnesspal has kept me focussed and retrained my habits. I had 2st to lose, I am only mildly active but I used to 'eat ' my exercise calories as well , totalled approx 1550 a day. I have now lost 23lb so only 4lb to go and Ive now reset myself as ' sedentary' and 1300 cals a day to try and shift a final stubborn 4 lbs ...this way any exercise calories burned are a bonus! Mostly myfitnesspal has provided me with lots of guidance, friends, encouragement, recipes. I am 62 and feel better than 52

jaypez profile image
jaypez in reply to elliebath

Hey I'm 62 as well . Great age to be . Lol .

Koomie profile image

I love my fitness pal too, it's helped me lose almost 3stones since's a great app.

You're definitely eating too few calories which will stop you losing weight in the long run. I'd say for a man the minimum should be at least 1500, women is 1200 so getting eating!!!

Good morning Steve,

Well done on getting myfitnesspal. Try and eat the right amount per day, don't starve yourself. You will soon get used to the calorie value of foods and how to split your daily allowance into 3 meals and one or two snacks to keep you going.

deleted myfitnesspal now was a pain to change the info on it lol plus i,ve been dieting without for 3 weeks

binksk profile image

I love my fitness pal, it helps keep me focused! I can see where I'm going wrong & what bits I'm doing right!! I linked it to other apps too like pacer, it shows how much exercise I've done! I know I need to to be eating 1200 a day or less or I don't lose weight this has come from months of trial & error, myfitnesspal tells me I should be eating 1400! I just ignore that bit and do what I know works!! 1000 seems a bit low you may find you don't lose anything this week as your body could go in to starvation mode on that many calories but your next weekly weight in will tell you that... But if you lose weight & your not hungry then that's working for you!! Listen to your body & look back each week at what you've done, you'll soon work out what's right for you!! Good Luck x

AdeTheJambo profile image

On balance I like myfitnesspal. I use a combination of the website and the app on smartphone - this latter is handy if you are not at your pc and brilliant for scanning food barcodes, but somewhat slower to use.

Myfitnesspal has an amazing database of foods including supermarket prepacked foods and ready meals; it also has data for things you might not expect such as Wetherspoon Pubs standard menu items! This also tracks the full nutritional content of the foods, not just the calories. Additionally I use MapMyRide for my cycling and it copies your workout recordings as exercise activities.

On the down side, keeping it up to date can be time consuming and it can be quite tedious entering all the ingredients for one of our own recipes. I'm sticking with it, at least for now.

Sloggingalong profile image

I also download it but I just can't seem to get my head around entering all the calories. It seems to be ok if you buy ready meals and scan them but when you make stuff from scratch, you have to enter every onion, every tomato etc., and I find it a pain. I would love to carry on using it but I find it very time consuming. Any advice would be appreciated :)

in reply to Sloggingalong

thats why i deleted mine i,ll just carry on doing what i was doing for now

Salaisa profile image

Downloaded it as per advice on this forum. I found it a bit tedious first, but got used to it after about 10 days. I try to cook from scratch, so enter my own recipes. Since those have more than 1 serving (and I may be cooking it more than once a month, or it's a big pot of soup, which will go in freezer and will be used later), next time I need to log it, it's in the system.

Personally, I am planning to use it for a couple of month, just to get an idea of what is 1400 cal. Also, I like the breakdown into nutrients. This told me for example that my protein and fibre intake is inadequate, and then I can focus on tweaking my food to get the right balance. Eg I like my jacket potatoe with butter and cheese (lots of both). With MFP, I tweaked butter and cheese to reasonably calorific amounts (about 1/10 of original serving, lol) and replaced it with some baked beans. Now I have a mental image of what a healthy portion should look like. (I will use it when shifting back from 1400 cal to my normal weight cals as well, just to gauge again the roughly correct size, to make sure I don't overdo it and start gaining weight again. Ohhh, cannot wait.)

Good luck, Steve! Just make sure that you are eating properly. Better to lose the weight more slowly, but in a healthy manner, than become a skinny stick with health problems due to poor nutrition. And get the scales! (They are also useful for healthy delicious home cooking. )

Another thing to be mindful of when data inputting your food diary into My Fitness Pal is that

1. You often forget things that you eaten throughout the day

2. You underestimate portions of what your actually eating

3. You forget to factor in cooking oil and other sauces

4. You forget to account for drinks

5. Fruit and vegetables must be inputted too as they still have calories

6. You have to rely on the nutritional information in my Fitness Pal being correct and up to date

Steve, 1067 calories is very low - unless you have eaten very nutrient-dense filling foods for 1067 calories. Each day our appetite changes. It's all about balance, by only having 1067 calories one day during the week might mean you can factor in one pint of beer at the weekend (and not feel too bad about it). 1890 kcals seems right for a man wanting to lose weight. A calorie is a calorie at the end of the day but some calories give us more nutrition than others and thus keep us fuller for longer - preventing us from falling off the bandwagon.

Best of luck

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