In half an hour or so, I'm off to the gym for the first time ever! Today I'm going to get a 30 day pass, go for a swim and have a look around the gym facilities. I'm pretty excited about it...
Off to the gym...: In half an hour or so... - Weight Loss Support
Off to the gym...

Congrats. Take things easy don't over do it try multiple machines on v.light weights higher reps and keep going....most people hate the gym and quit...well I'm sure none of these people did 3x a week either :)...change your lifestyle which changes your waist
I'm sure your optimistic but be prepared. For instance don't sit on your bum wanting to be fit, learn how to do it. Learn what works and what doesn't, seek advice from gym staff or even members! (Just don't ask during a set when they are lifting heavy haha)
If you put your heart and soul into learning it, then IMO people stick to it. Give a half ass attempt then you will get a half assed result
Good luck!
P.s. Apologies if you can't link here....but.... Google yes people their are jacked up who take it semi-pro serious. But a large community there are just you and me, trying to be healthier...and that's the end goal. The forums will explain fat loss, diets, exercises, pros and cons and most importantly how to do everything SAFELY.
O and I'm sure as a new gym goer you will go on a treadmill rather than weights...just to you will not look like your competing as the next Arnold, but you will increase lean muscle which burns more calories during the day and sleep. Think as weights as metabolism, not steroids
Thanks I do wish it was easier but you're right that you can't just expect results without doing anything. Thanks for the link - I'll make sure to have a look sometime.
Good luck. Yesterday I went for two walks, perhaps 1 1/2 to 2 hours in total, did 10 minutes on the exercise bike, and a few minutes diung a karate punching exercise that I remember from when I was in the Karate club at university (17 years ago). Today I'm going to try to up the amount of time I spend on the bike.

Wow, sounds like you're doing well! I need that enthusiasm haha
Good luck!
Have fun and enjoy it. Lot's of people find the gym a scary place but really it is a great place... Everybody is doing there own thing and most people are there for similar reasons.
Soph. x