I am a 64 F, on thyroxine/asthma inhal... - Weight Loss Support

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I am a 64 F, on thyroxine/asthma inhalers, did 2 weeks, 1000 cal/day and only lost 1lb. I weighed everything. Why can't I lose weight?

buttygalore profile image
22 Replies

Diet was mainly low carbohydrate, high protein. I also cycle regularly. I can't seem to lose weight. Why? Please help.

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buttygalore profile image
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22 Replies
GoogleMe profile image

Is there any particular reason you chose 1000 calories? I don't know of any reputable plan that advocates that on successive days.

You could have a look at the NHS weight loss programme.

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to GoogleMe

I stuck around 100-1100 calories per day because there's no way I can lose weight on 1400 - I've been there - done that, it just doesn't work for me. I exercise as well as watch calories - I despair at times. I have calculated my BMR and worked out that I can only have 1000-1200 per day.

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to GoogleMe

I am trying the NHS weight loss programme now - today is Day 1 and I am logging everything (again).

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer

I dread these type of posts - did everything and didn't lose weight. I am only 2 weeks in and struggling everyday to stay on the NHS recommended 1400 calories. If I hit a week I don't lose weight I don't know how I will carry on. 1000 calories seems very low. I have had advice on here to stay on 1500 and myfitnesspal starts screaming at me if I go below 1200 for eating too little as I risk putting my body in starvation mode. How much weight do you want to lose?

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to walkthisway

I want to lose 14 lbs. I have no problem sticking to lower calories and eat very healthily with plenty of fruit and veg, high quality protein mostly chicken. I am wondering if it is the steroid inhalers, as steroids are generally the bad guy for gaining weight.

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer in reply to buttygalore

I am pretty sure inhaled steroids do not make you gain/ prevent you losing weight. My daughter has asthma and uses a steroid inhaler and was looking at a myfitnesspal forum discussion about that issue - here myfitnesspal.com/topics/sho.... Have you got myfitnesspal? It is free and brilliant for logging calories and exercise and works out what your individual calorie intake should be for your weight and height and your target weight loss. It does say that an intake of less than 1200 calories can cause the body to go into starvation mode and slow metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. I am surprised you put on weight in the first place as you seem to eat so well!

GoogleMe profile image

Over what period of time are you expecting results? Weight doesn't always drop off steadily. I remember on the one previous occasion I've tried to lose weight (succeeded then too) my husband started at the same time as me, lost a lot more initially whereas I didn't lose a thing for 4 weeks. (I carried on and got back to a healthy BMI - in 2 years whereas he gave up) It took 2 years for me to lose 20kgs after I put on weight again (these are the only times I have attempted to, or needed to, lose weight) I'd like to lose another 10kgs but I have successfully maintained a healthy BMI for 6 months now without paying much attention ie I keep an eye on the bathroom scales rather than the kitchen ones as well.

If you ate a little more you might be able to do more exercise. Could be worth trying something that involves interval training (on the bike if that's what suits you) as it is suggested that has the greatest impact. Or you could try the NHS Couch to 5 K running plan (which comes with a fabulous forum on Health Unlocked) - lots of success stories there from people similar to you.

Given your health conditions and medications, there should be support available to you through your GP. Sometimes it works better to think in terms of healthy lifestyle with weight loss as a bonus.

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to GoogleMe


Thank you for your reply. In the past I have done 2 half marathons (Great North Run), my friend and I trained for a year running about 10-15 miles a week, I didn't lose much weight but didn't gain either, but I thought I should have lost more weight. I didn't pig out or anything. When I dieted for my daughter's wedding it took me a year of eating sensibly and watching everything to lose 10 pounds. My body just loves holding onto fat! I should be studied by science, honestly. I dieted last year prior to a holiday and managed to lose 6 lbs and kept it off.

I am just keeping at it and intending not to lose heart but stick with it and follow the NHS diet plan but carefully watch the calories and give up wine!

denvajade profile image

I think your body has probably gone into starvation mode!

bluexbaby profile image

Hi buttiegalore .... I am the same have a lot of health issues including C.O.P.D I am also in my 60s so my metabolism is slower and harder to move it of what I done was get 2 dvd one of palates and a fat burning one as it has turned out I am losing inches as my body is toning up so for now I have stopped worrying about weight loss and keeping on with my dvd, s and my healthy eating and portion sizes ..so keep going you WILL get there as we all did its hard but worth it ...good luck ..

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to bluexbaby


Thank you for your kind words. I am going to stick with it, its just hard going when you don't see the weight coming off as fast as other people who diet a week and lose 5lbs. Very annoying don't you think....

Pooh10 profile image

Hi I'm also hypothyroid and I'm finding ing extremely hard to lose a single pound and very easy to add them! Do you know if you are on the correct dose for your thyroid. Sometimes it can be due to not being optimally treated. It might be worth considering posting your thyroid test results on the thyroid forum (if you've not already joined/done so) to see their comments. Good luck

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to Pooh10


Thank you for your comments. I have my thyroid levels checked regularly when they send for me. They always tell me I'm within the normal range - but I do wonder if they are being too conservative. As you have found, its sooooo easy to gain but soooo hard to lose. I'm sure its thyroid related. If I splurge on holiday I really pay for it with an added few pounds that stubbornly stay.

Thanks again, I'm glad I'm not alone.

Pooh10 profile image
Pooh10 in reply to buttygalore

The following maybe worth considering. I've been ill for many years re thyroid, even though I had it tested regularly and always came back within the normal range. It was only recently I demanded to see an endocrinologist who advised that your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) usually needs to be under 1 and the T4 towards the upper end of the range to feel well. Within normal range is very different to being optimal. Thyroid UK website has further helpful info. I know a number of people on the thyroid forum have had similar problems only to find that they needed to alter their meds slightly to become optimal (not within the range) in order to be able to lose weight. This is certainly true for me although it is long and slow it was impossible before.

Imp72 profile image

Hi there you should deffo lose weight on 1000 cals your eating foods that maybe are not good for your blood group ,some people put on weight just eating salad stuff. There is a test u can have but have to pay .

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to Imp72


Thanks, I will check with my GP about thyroid levels and any tests that can help explain the stubborn fat I have.

Imp72 profile image

I had a list of things that we're not good for me and in the list was thing u would never think I would put on weight eating lettuce cucumber any type of soya beans . So I ate on what I could for my blood count ,even chocolate ,bread wine.i lost stone in 3 weeks

buttygalore profile image
buttygalore in reply to Imp72

Oh joy - how do I do that?

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMe in reply to buttygalore

Or you could look at the research evidence for the Blood Group Diet and decide not to bother.... some diets work by being so complicated, anti-social or unappealing you eat less.

It does seem to get harder and harder for hobby dieters to lose weight.

bluexbaby profile image
bluexbaby in reply to buttygalore

Hi buttygalore I know that feeling we are all different .I was a choc a holic loved my biccys to but managed to stop dont worry that others are losing faster than you do it at your own pace like you I started with no idea what to do and did nothing but moan about it then someone on the page said to me be honest with yourself it will happen and it did it has taken me 4 weeks to see sense inwhat I was doing so dont worry to much just think what and how youare going to feel its hard but worth it

buttygalore profile image


Thank you for your supportive comments. I try to eat low GI veg and cut down on white potatoes. My daughter says don't eat anything that grows below the ground ! I have switched to butter from margarine but am careful with it. I will watch the protein portions. Thank you for your advice.

slowsal profile image

Hi Buttygalore

I would be very interested to hear what your GP says. I've put on 2 stone in 2 years, despite increasing the amount of exercise I take. I've tried Slimming World, Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, common sense..... nothing makes any difference. I tend to be prone to constipation, so don't know if that has anything to do with it. I finally went to the GP last week, and am waiting for blood tests. It's very frustrating. I've managed to loose weight before, but it just won't happen now.

Let us know how you get on. I'd be very interested.

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