I have functional neurological disorder, fibromyalgia, epilepsy and various other ailments. I am now wheelchair bound and can use one arm. I am now about 5 stone over weight and really need some help. I cut down to 600 calories to try and loose which worked for a while. When I was in hospital they made me eat a proper amount of calories and I put on so much weight I've not been able to loose it no matter what. Would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.
New to all this and need some ideas of... - Weight Loss Support
New to all this and need some ideas of how to loose weight when I am wheelchair bound and can only use one arm?

Hi there its hard work even for those not in a wheel chair, I have several stone to loose too, but struggle with numerous ailments, 600 cal may be too low and put you into starvation mode, have you heard about the 5/2 diet.? Monday and Wednesday 500cal and the other 5 days normal eating- not overeating to trick your body. wishing you well.
What help are the NHS giving you? Sometimes services need to be 'reminded'. You have quite a few challenges there to losing weight so you will need good support and education - especially if your previous strategy was to starve yourself. There could be sessions at your local pool you could access (mine has rehabilitation sessions with one to one support, they look nice and gentle) There may also be suitable exercise sessions even though you may be rather younger than the average. I'm not suggesting this because I am under any illusions that you'll be burning hundreds of calories but increasing your activity level should have quite a few other benefits which will support your weight loss. You could have a look at the NHS weight loss programme online.
It also sounds as though you could do with some treats! Can you run to some healthy foods you really fancy? Blueberries? Asparagus? Strawberries?
Unsure of your age but there is a website moveitorloseit.co.uk/ where you can buy dvds she specialises in chair based exercises which are for older or the less mobile. I have some of here dvds and find them good. Julie Robinson has won awards for her exercise programmes and you can email her and ask which would be the best one for your individual circumstances. When i have emailed her before she has been very helpful. Hope this helps.
Hi Mkmum
Hope that you may get some help from the NHS as Googleme has suggested.
I have a few autoimmune problems and have had to cut out all gluten (coeliac disease). For some people with autoimmune disorders, cutting out gluten and possibly dairy, seems to be helpful. Perhaps keeping a food diary to spot any problem food may be an idea. I have to limit the amount of tomatoes and potatoes I eat, as they trigger IBS.
This link has some information about the Paleo diet, which I hope may be useful. Cutting down on carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods should help you lose weight.
Good luck.
Many thanks to you all for your lovely supportive replies. I am going to look into them all, I'm willing to try anything to help. Obviously only one at a time as I won't know which is working, although may end up using a combination of those things that work. I'm 43 years old, but I don't mind mixing with older people if it's going to help. Not had any help so far from NHS despite asking on many occasions, but going to persevere. Got the bit between my teeth now! Will let you all know how I get on. Xxx
Denvajade I am going to try this first and see how I get on. Will see if I can get my new GP (same practice) to give me support through the practice dietician I have just found out exists! Will work on this from there and then may ask for them to support me on the Paleo diet as this will also help symptoms of one of the diseases I have. Thanks again for all of your well considered and helpful advice. Will let you all know how I get on.
If you are thinking about going Paleo, this is a very useful site. Her book is rather scientific and technical, but very informative. Good luck, hope it works for you.
Thanks Penel will have a good read. Many thanks.