Every year I manage to loose a good stone and a half but I always seem to hit a wall and put it all back on. I struggle but put my everything in to loosing weight but can never keep it off for more than 2 or 3 months. I'm starting to think I'm never going to loose weight or get slim
How do I get through the rough parts o... - Weight Loss Support
How do I get through the rough parts of life without putting the weight on and coming to a complete stop?

Have a look at @HappyBeee 's post Strugglers Club. It might be what "scratches the itch" . I am sure you WILL lose weight, it's just that the time it might take might be longer than you want. I feel that frustration myself. Hang on in there and choose a Weigh in day /group that you can belong to on here. Its a big help. Good luck!

Hi and welcome, Budgiecanary
The secret to weight loss, with maintenance, is to find a sustainable healthy lifestyle, rather than a 'diet' and this community. This time, you'll have us for support, for as long as you wish
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Wishing you all the best
I am a firm believer (as moreless has said) that the secret is to find a sustainable healthier lifestyle.
I changed the way I eat just over a year ago now and have since lost quite a lot of weight.
This meant ditching eating things such as frozen burgers, chicken Kiev's, pizza, oven chips, all you can eat buffets, takeaways and making my own meals, from scratch and using healthier ingredients / recipes.
Yes - I still have pizza, I still have crunchy chicken, I still have a curry, I still have Chinese and I still have burgers. I make all these myself now though so I know exactly what goes into them! (I might even have one from a takeaway still every couple of months - nothing is off limits! It's just not twice a week takeaways!)
Add into this new style of eating a little bit of walking (to and from work most days) and using this forum to give and receive advice and support ... it has made the changes sustainable for me
The weekly weigh in, daily diary and some of the different challenges really have helped!
I hope you find something that will work for you too!
You are 200% right . It is lifestyle. I hate the word diet as that word for me = punishment and control and I ain't that kind of person . Thank goodness someone understands me . I don't weigh myself anymore but I know what I have eaten . Something is working as I am 18kg lighter than last year . I love your enthusiasm and that you have found a simple route to eat what you like by mainly making your own . Simple and it works !
I have struggled with this for a long time and do understand the frustration. I think its about balance get the weight off steadily and make sure you are not hungry. It is the kiss of failure to be hungry as you get fed up and eat loads in a short time. It needs experimenting with to find a way which you can do long term healthy living. If I have eaten my allowance and feel hungry I have a snack but only if Iam genuinely hungry. Often thirst can be confused for hunger, and sometimes we are feeding something else like boredom or comfort. If I eat out I have a main course but then a lovely coffee, not pudding. Simple rules and it does get easier think of it forever not a few months and good luck.

I think the replies you’ve already gotten are excellent, I just want to add that I think that maintaining your weight requires that you let go of the idea of this process as a time-limited endeavour that stops when you reach your goal weight. It never stops. It’s forever. To me that has been a painful realisation. I so wanted to be able to return to my “normal” life where I enjoyed red wine, cake, chocolate, pizza, pasta, bread without thinking about the amounts. But my old normal made me overweight and I have to redefine my normal to maintain a healthy weight.
Welcome to the best forum!
Just read your reply and I love how you talk about a new normal I’ve never thoughtvabout it that way. Over the 7 weeks I’ve been on HU I’ve started to think differently and have now realised if I need to keep wt of when I’ve lost it that it is continuing with this frame of mind and not just thinking I’ve lost the wt and can now eat all that I want to.