Hi, About a year ago I followed the diet and lost quite a lot of weight but gradually since the end of last year the weight has crept back on mainly due the lose of my Mum at Christmas and stress at work from a colleague! But now, I feel I'm ready to start all over again, start my new job in 3 weeks, so things can only get better! Any encouragement will be greatly received - thanks
Time to start again......: Hi, About a... - Weight Loss Support
Time to start again......

Hello, I'm in exactly the same position as you. I'm very stressed, and the only way to ease this is apparently by eating lots of junk food! Depressingly, I've put on weight, and so like you, I'm ready to put an end to it all! Must keep motivated and de-stressed using other methods than consuming food!! Good luck throughout your weight loss, we can do this!!
Hi Yelenots, Sorry if you get this again, my first reply seems to have disappeared: I'm sorry to hear about your mum, it's really tough when you lose a loved one. It sounds as if you are ready to lose weight again - great! I'm in a similar position to you, dealing with stressful things, piling on the weight - but - I've had a good first week dieting: some of the things I have found useful which may help you: using this community forum, the people seem very friendly and supportive.
I'm using my fitnesspal for the first time which is great, reading the info on the NHS site and doing some exercise has been helping me to stay positive. Taking just one day at a time seems to work for me, rather than getting daunted by all the weight I need to lose. Good luck!
Hi I am the same ,did really well and lost weight but have started to put it back on again ( keep eating rubbish eg chocolate ) cannot seem to get motivated,but I know in need to. Good luck with your weight loss and your new job,you can do it .
Hi there,
I am very sorry to hear about your mum. As with the responses above, I too am in a similar position. 18 months ago I started a healthier lifestyle of exercise and healthier eating, and I lost 4 stone. Then, my Dad got terminally ill and my new job turned out to be very stressful, and so I lost my motivation and turned to food for comfort. I put back on 3 stone in weight and have decided now is the time to put a stop to it before I gain any more weight! My encouragement would be to remember to take each day at a time, and make good decisions each day... Yes that cream cake looks good but is it a treat if it does you harm? What do you want more, that cake or to be healthy? Also, recognise why and when you are about to eat unhealthily. Is it emotional, boredom, social etc.? That way you can deal with the factors that would knock you off track. Good luck, and remember that making the decision to change and taking the first step is half the battle

Very sorry to hear you lost your mum, I know first hand how grief can wreck the diet.. even though my parents both died nearly 40 yrs ago , I remember very that period of feeling "whats the point in anything?" And it was similar many years later with a marriage breakup. But you sound very positive now and ready to tackle things, and this site and myfitnesspal are really helpful ...so many of us in the same boat. Im a month into my new regime and 5lbs down, so it's slow but hopefully steady. Good luck to you, lots of support here.
Hi there,I'm in a similar position to you.I'm approximately 3 stone overweight and eat to feed my emotions.In the last couple of weeks I've made the decision to get serious about losing weight,but didn't want to go down the fad diet route as I want to lose weight and keep it off which means changing my eating habits permanently.I've got myself a gym membership and am ready to face this head on.I'm really sorry to hear about your Mum,there is nothing worse than losing someone you love.I really hope we can all encourage and motivate each other.The best of luck to you
Hi , I have come to a stand still I was doing well then a well meaning mother and friend started taking me out for meals where I found it hard to work out calories , then on top was bought 2 easter eggs which didn't help my sweet tooth . I have not lost any weight just staying the same . I am 10 stone but at 5ft 1in is classed as overweight .As my son wedding is this August hoping lose one stone , I excerise by walking my dog but hate the gym as tried in past x
Hi yelenots, I am starting again today too, although I am new to this plan. Have dabbled in millions of diets over the years, had great success with Weight Watchers, so I know I can do it, just need to get organised, get motivated and get moving. I bought myself a Collins Calorie Counter book as I can't rely on internet access to check apps like My Fitness Pal. So that's me. Best of luck with the new job, it's always fun to turn a new corner.
Thank you everyone! I've had a good day - 1200 cals and a 2 mile walk.......just got to keep it now
thanks elliebath .... every little asset helps! Well done yelenots. I'm doing quite well too, got out for a walk last night. We're off to a good start!!