Arrghh! Put on weight but been dieting... - Weight Loss Support

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Arrghh! Put on weight but been dieting all week!

Spanner88 profile image
4 Replies

Im on a 1400 calorie Day diet , (only on it for a week)but I have put on 3lb since last week and its "body" weight ( I look fatter lol). What am I doing wrong?!

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Spanner88 profile image
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4 Replies
victoria-plum profile image

Oh Spanner, that IS disappointing! I'm going to ask the obvious question, did you count correctly? Weigh food accurately? Add every little morsel that passed your lips? I used to not include the leftovers from the kids' plates, the mouthfuls I ate while cooking, guessed weights...

Next question - I know you counted the calories but what sort of food did you eat? Was it 1400 calories of mainly highly processed food, like ready meals or pizza? And did you hit your your five-a-day fruit/veg target?

Last thought - did you exercise as well? I'm not talking marathon gym session, just 30 minutes walking for three or four of the days?

If you did all of this correctly, you may just have to put it down to a random fluctuation, scales having an off day, water retention, alien influence etc but DON'T GIVE UP! Eat real food this week, lean meats (if not a veggie), load your plate with vegetables, not too many high carb foods, remember to drink water (I did better the weeks I had my eight small glasses during the day), and get out for regular walks if you're able to.

Good luck, and looking forward to hearing good news next week!

ascs2012 profile image

Hi make should about 8 glasses drink water as I found this help. Hope you start lost soon

HI Spanner88,

You're probably not doing anything wrong. You're a human body, not a computer.

All sorts of things can impinge upon weight loss, from sleeplessness, to infections, to stress and many more.

Just keep at it and see how it averages out over three or four weeks.

Many people "forget" to count some aspects of what they eat or drink. Are you eating calories you're not counting? Forgetting to count the toppings, or sauces, or the lattes, or bits and pieces you nibble on whilst cooking?

Or are you eating something that you perhaps don't realise there's a lot of calories in - e.g. cashew nuts.

Or are you serving big portions of cereal, rice, pasta, or similar - if so, weigh them out to the pack's recommended portion size.

Just take a long slow careful and honest look at what your eating - all of it. It may give you a clue or two.

behappynow profile image

I found if you reduce calories to quickly the following week you put weight on...I found that if you eat more salad with a meal helped and soup before main course...and drinking water before a meal helped..ive lost 11lb so far...slow and steady...

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