I decided to run today after a two week break and was devastated to discover that I could only manage to run for about two minutes before getting out of breath - what has happened? I graduated a couple of weeks back and although haven't been for a run ( due to illness and then Xmas) didn't think It would make that much difference. I hadn't run outside before as completed the 9 week programme on a treadmill so expected a little bit of resistance. Wonder whether I'm going to have to start the programme again. Any suggestions anybody, I feel like a complete failure.
Disaster!: I decided to run today after... - Weight Loss Support

I am not a graduate, but did my first run a 10k outside in Spain in October with DH, it was flat warm and on an even surface, running back in the UK cold and undulating has been entirely different, I have only done a couple of miles until New Year's Day when I have to do a five miler. Buildup slow and steady just the air is different - go Girl!!
Running outside is very different and the illness especially cold or chest related Takes longer than it looks to heal properly. I had a chest infection which on the surface looked gone but it took 6 months before I was back to normal. You'll probably start building up quickly if you keep at it
I think probably your body is telling you that you aren't quite over your illness. As chay says, anything that affects your breathing makes it hard to run, plus the energy-sapping effects of any illness. And running outside us very different to running on a treadmill (but far more rewarding once you get used to it). I read a tip on the runningbug.co.uk that if you go out for a 10 minute run you'll either be in the zone after 10 mins and keep going, or you'll stop and if so, at least you've run for 10 minutes! So just get back to it gently, don't beat yourself up, and you will be surprised how quickly it will come back once your body is recovered from illness.
Enjoy your outdoor running but start off with flat, easy sections!
Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks all, I will carry on and set myself smaller goals I think. Within my running route is a long flat road, if I could get to the end of that I think I would feel better. It was extremely cold and frosty yesterday when I set out, I think I was worried about slipping as well. I won't give up, but it was disappointing.
Firstly - well done for getting out there. Getting back into it after illness can take a while, so be nice to yourself. Remember it is often the start of a run that can be the hardest, and perhaps in your determination to start again you may have set off too fast? I don't think you'll need to start the whole thing again, but maybe do a few of the interval week podcasts and build up from there. I understand that treadmill and outdoor running can be quite different so this will have affected you too. Don't give up - we all have bad runs at times. Good luck!
I suspect, as Jellymum said, you set off too fast. It's very easy to do that outdoors! When I got my Garmin I realised I run much faster outside than when I'm on the treadmill. I've just re-done c25k and I'm still finding it hard going, often because I'm running too fast! I also found the cold at this time of year is really hard on my chest. Definitely try to go a bit slower next time, and if you feel like it, maybe go through some of the podcasts again and treat running outside as a new challenge. I found re-doing c25k to be a really positive experience and I run faster now than I did first time around. Also, even after graduating, I always find those first few minutes are the toughest and it's then that I want to give up. With the structure of c25k, you always knew exactly what you had to do. Maybe set yourself little goals, eg. I'll run for 5 minutes before I walk, or I'll run to the end of such-and-such road. Good luck.