This time last year I was 11st 4lbs. Having started my weight loss journey on 7th January 2013, I have always eaten very healthy, but four years ago I became a full time carer to my now 16 year old daughter and life had come to a standstill, two years later I had a Nervous Breakdown, because my life had turned completely upside down and I could not get out of the house, Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I fell down the stairs and ruptured my Achilles Tendon, Slowly and surly the weight just crept on. I had reached rock bottom. So I took the bull by the horns and found this site and reading other peoples blog's. I got the Wii out of my sons room and that was the kick start i needed. In the March I went to the doctors and was able to get a prescription and enrolled at our local gym. I started going three times a week doing roughly half an hour at a time. Now I go to the gym very early in the morning four or five days a week while my daughter is in bed sleeping.i get her up when I get home. I set myself a goal to be 9 stone by this Christmas. I weighed myself today and I'm now 8st 12lbs and I feel fabulous. Not only that but my Daughter has just started at a Special School, she will be doing three days a week in January 2014.
For the first time in a long time I'm really looking forward to 2014. The one thing that I have learnt on this journey is, no matter what life has throne at me. My Smile has gotten a whole lot bigger. My goal for 2014 is to reach 8st 7lbs and to maintain it.