It's mt first day doing this, any tips?
1st day: It's mt first day doing this... - Weight Loss Support
1st day

HI Subes,
Welcome! Why don't you try this website (recommended by the Admin guy on here), which has some useful advice on losing weight - it's the NHS website and is very good:
Also, reading past posts on this site and answers to past questions etc can be very helpful and motivating.
Hope you have a good week.
Hiya its my first week to! I've downloaded something to my desk top and phone called my fitness to count my calories- hope this helps! How much do you want to loose?
I find it helpful to keep a log and jot down my mood, what I ate each day and how things are going in general. I write down the weight only when I weigh myself and that's 3 times a week. After a while you'll have stuff to go through and see what your habits are, where you could need improvement, etc... plus it's a great tool to keep yourself motivated.
I read a story of a guy (think it was in the 4hr body by tim ferriss) who tracked his weight everyday, without exercising / dieting strong enough and he saw gradual improvements everyday, just by observing his weight. Not something I recommend because we all have different metabolisms but writing daily, weighing at least once per week can keep your head in the right place. Hope this helps!
Thanks everyone for those tips. The idea od your mood affecting what you eat is interesting. I probably don't realise it, but I'm sure how I feel does affect what I eat (and drink). Just done an abs class at my gym, but I'm not keen on seeing myself in a mirror and although I feel better for doing it, felt very shy whilst in there, even though everyone was being nice to me.
Be prepared for good and bad days you just need to keep going, not always easy but we acre all here to support each other, Good Luck!