What effects would it have on the body if you fell below the amount on a regular basis? Thanks x
After years of over indulging on high ... - Weight Loss Support
After years of over indulging on high fat food I'm trying to reduce my intake, is there a minimum amount you should have of saturated fat ?

Hi Pammy77,
I have just looked on a tin of Heinz Beans, and under the nutritional information, it says that the Guideline Daily amount for average adults of overall Fat is 70g, and that the amount of 'Saturated Fat' is 20g per day.
Hope that information is helpful to you.
Best wishes,
Your body needs some fat in your diet to make sure you can absorb things like fat- soluble vitamins. I eat saturated fat ( butter, cream, lard) and olive oil, but am not overweight because I keep my carbohydrates low. I don't have high cholesterol either. The combination of fats and carbohydrates (especially sugar) is what tends to put on weight.
Whatever you decide you want to go for, make sure you have enough Omega 3 in your food and not too much Omega 6. Spreadable " butter" that comes in a plastic tub can often have too much Omega 6 in it. If you go very low fat you are also likely to feel hungry all the time.
Good luck. It's a question of finding out what balance of fat and carbohydrate works for you.