Feeling disheartened today.... - Weight Loss Support

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Feeling disheartened today....

Nicolaaaa profile image
14 Replies

I've recently started back on here and for the past 3 days I've tried hard. I've tried to make healthier choices and mostly stuck to them plus I've upped my excercise. I've strted to walk to my parents place instead of cathing the bus everyday. I've started to eat fruit again. I mentioned to a friend that I will get my next blooed test in two months to see if my cholesterol and diabetes levels have gone down. Anyway she said yeah if you stick to it. This friens also wants to lose weight so I have been walking angoing gym with her and I just was very upset at this comment. I've decided to start excercising by myself again. I can't allways excercise because I get really bad foot pain but I am walkin a lot more. Food is really hard also because I often get really hungry that I actually get pain with however I try now to choose healthier foods. Anyway my rants over. How are you all doing?

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Nicolaaaa profile image
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14 Replies
Dipper profile image

Hi Nicolaaaa you've had a bad day!! But just pick yourself up and start again. You show your friend just how well you can stick to diet and exercise. x

Nicolaaaa profile image

Thankyou dipper, I intend to

hey, every day is a new day, a clean slate, please don't be disheartened. This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, this is your life from now on. None of us want to makes these changes and then go out and pig out again making ourselves feel a million times worse, we want to change our lives for the better, so we can DO what we want, WEAR what we want, GO where we want to go and all through making decisions that will focus on the positive things in our lives. If there are negatives in your life - change them. Tell your friend who upset they made you, they probably have not even given it a second thought. It's only when you consider yourself worth it that others will start to respect you and your opinion. I say this after coming through 10 yrs of a controlling partner and finally coming to my sense and sticking up for myself. He is now gone and I have a wonderful man who I can have a right could argument with (without fear) and who respects me for having my own opinion and definitely thinks I'm worth it :-) Please don't be disheartened anymore, you have the ability to do it, you can do it and you will do it and we are all here to support you :-) xx

Nicolaaaa profile image

Thnakyou green goblin, I'm just going to carry on taking each day as it comes. X

leny profile image

disheartened today, better tomorrow, eh? don't beat yourself, just keep trying, and tell yourself every morning : today I will do my best. like you said, just take each day as it comes. litle changes are better than none. good luck

Nicolaaaa profile image

Thanks, u too

tart profile image


At least you can stick to it. I agree with green goblin dont let this friend get to you . It might be that your friend is jelous you never know. At the end of the day you are doing this for your self and no one else. It makes you feel good and upping your exersize it's a balance of both. I have learnt that the hard way ive lost my so called mate. I thoughtshe was going to stand bye me. She never did. But i do it for my self now and only myself. I feel great and im half way through my second week. We all get our off days . I had one last week sometimes just talking to someone about it puts it into prospective for you.

Dont beat yourself up, be positive :-)

Tart :-)

scotsman profile image

your actually doing good i have health issues also and i ex when i can i do some every day i too eat healthy but i have looked deep into what would work for me what i do is fill my plate with lots of salad stuff then add some meat. and fill plate with veg in evening i have to stick to this and the weight has been coming off i hope this helps but i know you will be successful chin up and keep going best wishes

Hi Nicolaaaa,

At risk of stating the bloomin' obvious, us weight loss journeyers often tend to think we're dealing with computers or machines rather than a human body and feel that it should all respond with mathematical exactitude, which it just doesn't do.

We put ourselves into an eating and exercise/activity environment which encourages our bodies to adapt to the new reality by shedding stored body fat. That adaptation takes a bit of time.

So, perhaps sometimes it's better to not try to be too determined or too urgent about it and take a bit of a "softly, softly catchee monkey" type of approach.

Exercise and activity help the process, both by helping to burn calories which will hopefully be mainly burnt from stored fat and by helping to re-set the hormone production regimes that were altered through your body adapting to your overweight as you gained excess weight.

Generally hunger is best managed by smaller amounts of food more often and I've found an eating 'regime' of meal-snack-meal-snack-meal-snack a helpful one to get into. Try not to go for more than about 4 hours without anything, even if it's only a 50 kcal apple or some such.

Also hunger management techniques like eating more slowly (gives your body's hormones more chance to notice the food and react to it in terms of telling your body you're not hungry any more), or breaking up the meal (not eating it all in one 'hit') so that it takes you 20 or 30 minutes before the meal has finished and snacking (to skate the hunger off of you) can help.

Remember too that you 'eat with your eyes'. So do give your attention to your eating. Avoid 'mindlessly munching' whilst on the phone, watching the TV or blogging or whatever on the laptop.

And finally, true hunger isn't the same thing as the 'it's time for food' feeling. The latter is a matter of habit that (whether you actually realise it or not) you have "trained" yourself into and which you can re-train out of - but again it takes a bit of time to change such habits.

I now eat a very significantly reduced amount of food each day compared to what I used to eat before starting this journey. That is actually much healthier and more nutritious food with lots more fruit and veg (especially green veg) more fish and lots less sugar, fat, and "empty calories".

I eat a lot less, but then again - thanks to a bit of perseverence - there's now a lot less of me for it to go around! And that's not just a flippant remark, the science of it is that my 81 kg body actually needs significanly less calories to 'maintain' it than my former 106.1 kg one did.

Good luck with your weight loss journey.

Prin profile image

its a long old journey so steady goes it! stay motivated is all I can say and we are all here to help youxxx

mitzymoo profile image

Hi Angel

Loosing weight is very difficult for anyone who hasn't got a good support system of family nd friends, to rely on.

You now have the biggest support system in the world! As this site is worldwide!!

This was the best tip I was ever given by dietician,

Draw a circle the size of some teaplate, draw a line through the middle of the circle deviding it into two equal sections, then draw a line through the middle of 1 of the halves to make 2 equal parts, you should have 1 half and 2 quarters.

The big section is for vegetables

Then 1 quatre is for protein, quorn or similar if you don't eat meat and if you do eat meat you should have red meat twice a week to help your body produce red blood cells.

The other smaller section is for Carbs, wholegrain, wholemeal, brown and of course jacket are the best. (sweet potato is a vegetable! Shh enjoy!!!)

Please check the blood group diet. It will tell you what foods are toxic to your body, what foods are medicine for your body and what foods to eat normally.

I'm blood group O negative and found out I'm wheat and dairy intolerant and I just made the few changes it suggested and my psoriasis has nearly all gone off my face and scalp in only one month and I felt better after only the first week! Less bloated and smaller tankles hee hee.

With your health problems it is a good idea and it will help you.

I'm a big believer in angels and I have asked them to watch over you and guide you on your journey!

I am also giving you this special poem that I give to people who are in need of some comfort and support.

When angels sense you need them

And angels always do

They come unseen from everywhere

To help and comfort you

They hover close beside you

Till all your cares are gone

Till they can see you're ready

Once again to carry on

Then some of them fly away

And take their gentle touch

To other hearts that need the love

Of angels very much

But one at least stays with you

As your constant friend and guide

For guardian angels never leave you

They are always by your side!

Take care Angel and I would be honored to be your buddy if you'd like.

Big hugs and angel blessings xx

Nicolaaaa profile image

Hi everyone thankyou so much for all of your messages. I'm feeling much better today and happier, especially after all of your lovely words. Thankyou the angel poem was really sweet. The sun is shining and its a beautiful day hope you all have a good one x

Sarahd56 profile image

Hi nicolaaa, disregard wot ur friend said to you.Just you do the best you can,don't beat yourself up about the bad days, focus on the days you do well no one is perfect tho some of us think we are. My daughters lifestyle was not the best but she pulled her socks up a couple of years ago and now helps others with their fitness/dietary needs, so it can be done,but everyone has their own pace so you keep ur chin up and ou will get back on track I'm sure. I'm trying to help my partner lose at least 8 stones just now,and I myself have felt like screaming!!!! Hugs n x for you

Nicolaaaa profile image
Nicolaaaa in reply to Sarahd56

Thankyou sarah x

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