My sister suffered a miscarriage in 2020 and since then most days she bleeds and loses clots easy size of my little finger. She has had internals, biopsies you name it and it’s been done. She was also told her womb lining was above average 16mm. Anyway long story short she was diagnosed with PCOS and nothing more was said or done? Is this normal or do u take meds or anything? Also is it normal to still be bleeding and losing clots, all doctors have suggested is combined pill or the coil for 5 years which my sister does t want as she wants to start a family but it’s hard due to clots and bleeding all the time. Advice needed.
Advice: My sister suffered a miscarriage in... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Hi due to the hormonal imbalance it is possible to lose clots of blood and she needs to make sure it is not making her anemic. If she hasnt already she needs to consider a keto/carnivore diet,as PCOS is most likely a genetic sensitivity to carbohydrates. This style of diet along with some intermittent fasting helps to lower insulin resistance. YouTube is full of information on how to manage symptoms and it is possible to achieve a successful pregnancy. I wish your sister all the best.
Hi! If your sister has been diagnosed with PCOS I would keep her as far away from the coil/IUD as possible. Pills might work but due to PCOS hormone imbalance it's hard to tell how she will react. Having 16mm endometrium consistently is actually not bad (in a sense that thick endometrium is needed for a successful pregnancy). But heavy bleeding (and clots) can be very demanding physically. I would recommend iron tablets (at least when she's in her period). I would convince GP to do blood test and if ferritin is below 70 I would take iron tables for 3 months. I also have heavy bleeds and got anemia (ferritin below 30) due to it a couple of times.Keeping an eye on iron levels is a must! Iron tablets can be harsh for stomach so I recommend"gentle iron" from H&B and take at same time as food rich in vitaminC (as iron is absorbed in the gut through vitC) - ideally in the morning. If she also has very bad cramps, I recommend magnesium supplements too.