Just wondered if anyone out there with PCOS has experienced spotting in pregnancy especially in second trimester? I’m 18 weeks and have been spotting for about 5 days now. No first trimester spotting at all except for one day about 8/9 weeks.
It has started as light and pale pink (once) but is now mostly light brown in colour. Mostly light in quantity (not even a whole liner), perhaps a little more today? Have spoken to midwives twice and had an appointment too pm Wednesday to check heartbeat (all ok at that point thank goodness) and they have just said to monitor for now and ring back or go in of it turns bright red. As a first timer with pregnancy I am still really anxious despite them telling me this even though I know some spotting in pregnancy can be quite common. I know the best thing is to try and be calm but I’m really getting myself quite worked up about it which is probably not helping. Looking back I may have overdone it a bit last weekend with housework, gardening, walking etc but just confused as to why the spotting can have lasted so long now especially when I have been really careful to rest up since the spotting started. Any advice or similar stories welcome. Thank you.