Hello all,
I am fairly new to the forum and currently undergoing a whole raft of tests for various things. I’ve always had irregular periods as well as issues with weight management, acne and hair growth. These have been more of an issue in the last year or so.
I am also under investigation for endometriosis/interstitial cystitis as I have chronic pelvic pain, bladder and bowel symptoms and painful sex which causes bleeding.
I have an appointment with endocrinology in a few days time to confirm my diagnosis of PCOS and discuss treatment. I wondered if anyone had any advice or any suggestions of things I should be asking about/for. I’ve had a look at the nhs/NICE guidance to get an idea of what I am entitled too, however this is very limited. I am just trying to map out my thoughts ahead of the appointment.
I struggle with becoming overwhelmed during appointments and not managing to ask/say everything I had planned, especially now i cannot have someone attend with me. My pelvic physio has been helpful in identifying some specific areas to ask about, but always open to more suggestions?
(I am a 25 year old female. I’ve recently lost 26Ibs and aiming to lose another 20. I’ve just had the jaydess coil removed after 2 years due to dislodged position and to see how my body responds without hormonal management. Otherwise fit and well - I state begrudgingly as I feel far from this at present. )