Im 17 and I pretty much have all the symptoms of PCOS.
I have A LOT of body hair everywhere which is extremely thick and excessive and hard to get rid of.
My average cycle length for my period is 38 days.
I have gained a lot of weight round the stomach and thighs only however i am thin everywhere else. I am active I walk 40 mins to and then 40 mins back from school and eat fairly healthy however i do love my sweet stuff!
Im never full and always hungry even after massive meals, Im always tired however I can never get enough sleep and mental health is getting worse
I just did a blood test yesterday and I just want to know the results now! Ive readied myself that I have PCOS. I just wanted to ask the diagnosis stages so what would happen after the blood test and what to do after and how long it would take as I would love for it to be confirmed before new years so I can start 2021 right for this.