Hello, I'm new here and have just recently been diagnosed with PCOS. I have not received much support from my doctor regarding my symptoms and was wondering if anybody had any advice on living with this condition. I suffer badly from mood swings and most days I feel quite low, and find it difficult to stay positive. Has anyone else experienced these issues/noticed a change in their mental wellbeing since being diagnosed? Any help and guidance would be appreciated, thank you!
Recently diagnosed with PCOS and trying t... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Recently diagnosed with PCOS and trying to understand the condition.
Anxiety and depression are a symptom of pcos, they don't know if it is the hormone imbalance or the symptoms that cause this, so lots of us are on anti depressants which help hugely so dont feel ashamed at all if you need something to help. Makes a massive difference in my view, life is too short to feel low.
Generally stick to a low GI diet and cut out all white carbs and as much processed food and sugar as you can.
The combined pill can control the symptoms quite well and even further if you take 3 months on the trot - I have been on and off the combined pill for 30+ years and generally it keeps all the symptoms at bay.
Don't worry about the fertility aspect as it is extremely rare not to conceive due to pcos (in case you are concerned) and there is loads of help out there if needed.
Thank you for your reply. I have just been prescribed the combined pill so hoping to notice a difference soon