Not PCOS?: Hi everyone. I apologise in... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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clairm profile image
3 Replies

Hi everyone.

I apologise in advance for the lengthy post but I'm sort of at my wit's end.

I went to see a GP at the end of 2017 as my period has become irregular around October, even though previously it had been like clockwork, always on time. Combined with the fact that I've always been quite hairy, have oily skin, and began losing hair from my head some while ago, I was sure that it's PCOS.

Right away my GP ordered a hormonal blood test but it came back normal, which had me very surprised as due to the excessive amount of hair, I was convinced I have high levels of androgens. Also, my GP said that people with PCOS usually experience extremely irregular periods or no periods at all, so I likely do not have PCOS and should just focus on losing weight to regulate my periods, which in turn will also help my mood (I become suicidal about 3 days before every period).

I have been unsuccessful in losing much weight (as I have my whole life) so I went back to see the GP again. This time she prescribed me destrogel which I took for a few months and while it did regulate my period nicely, it gave me terrible anxiety so I stopped. Sure enough, low mood is listed as a side effect and I already have clinical depression so I don't know why I was prescribed this... The mini pill unfortunately only made me even more suicidal.

Could it still be PCOS even though my hormone levels are supposedly within the norm? Anyone have a similar story?

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clairm profile image
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3 Replies
AnitaTaco profile image

Hi there! I'm so sorry you're going through such trouble with getting the answers you want and need! I know to a varying degree what that's like.

So my situation is a little different & you might find it interesting, I don't know if everyone is like this to some extent, but I've found that I fluctuate BIG TIME! In a 6 month t time frame, I'll go from no period to getting it on the 28 day dot, with ovulation even, no acne, no excess fuzz on my face, I'll even lose a bit of weight, and then BOOM, I'm irregular for a month or 4, I've got excess fuzz on my face and thee worst acne ever.

I hate to admit this, but my husband of 10 years and I were sexless for almost 3 years starting 4 years ago and ending March 6, 2017. In those 3 sad, sexless, years I had MAYBE 4 or 5 periods total! I had no clue what was goin on, I've always been irregular and both my mom & her sisters went through menopause completely and we're done by 36, I'm 33 now, so I truly thought I was in Premature Ovarian Failure aka Premature Menopause. The Dr. Didn't think so and he was right. What's so strange though, is that almost the very day after hubby and I started naughty naughty time back up, BOOM! The red tide came in and has been steady for a year with only being funky for 1 month. It's so strange!! I can even tell exactly when I'm ovulating now, I never could do that before. People act so different towards me at that point in my cycle, I can't believe I never noticed it before. They're nicer, friendlier, more talkative, especially men, but women and even kids too, hubby is always a lot more "hands on" around that time too and I seem to have more... let's say "sensation".... lol

Anyhow, please don't think I'm making light of your situation, I always try to be somewhat humorous in my writing. I just thought you'd like to know that while I've never had my levels retested after initial tests, circumstantial evidence tells me I fluctuate all the time! I hope this helps, even if only a tiny bit, & I truly hope you get your answers very soon!! I hope others chime in as well, I'm not sure how my case compares to what's considered normal.

greengreen profile image

Hi Clairm,

Thanks for sharing your story, it must take courage to share something so private & intimate.

I had same signs of PCOS, as in I have excess facial hair, very oily skin, irregular periods. I did go for a blood test after I raised my concerns to my GP & he did agree with me that it most likely is PCOS. However when I had a blood test, it came back as inconclusive.

I went back again after much research, and asked if further tests could be done and I had read about transvaginal ultrasound, and I was booked in for this. After this, it was confirmed on my visit that they could clearly see signs of PCOS. It was somewhat of a relief to find out what is actually causing all of the hormonal issues, so I could focus on all the thing I need to avoid to live healthier and possibly control some of the symptoms.

Try booking an appointment with your doctor, and take a written list of all your symptoms, that really helped me, as I was able to explain them all to my doctor and discuss them all.

Ask if there are further tests as well.

I hope this helps, and I hope you get some answers. Sending a ray of light on a cloudy day x

Hols969 profile image

Yes, I had relatively regular periods - can you request a scan, sometimes blood can come back as normal, you can be diagnosed by symptoms alone. The combined pill (I like yasmin) can help but I would push for a scan or be referred to an endocrinologist as pcos is their area and not a GP! Look at the NICE guidelines on pcos too so you know what to say to your GP.

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