Sick of gynaecologists making me feel dum... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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Sick of gynaecologists making me feel dumb! Metformin debate again!!!

Lauren231092 profile image
14 Replies


So I had a follow up app today to discuss after my Hycosy test in December. However, he was very rude and made me feel so small! Last time I saw him he prescribed metformin and then (notherestone) to bring on a period to book hycosy test. I got the meds but after having blood work come back fine I was confused why I should take metformin as insulin levels are fine. My doc always advised against it so I decided not to take it. I also came on my period by myself almost on time which is a miracle therefore didn't need the other meds he gave. He asked how I find metformin and I explained I hadn't used it. His response was a look of horror and he said so why are you sitting here with me then? So I told him my doc advised me not to so he blabbed on about the fact I aren't overweight so that's why they would have said not to take it but if they agree I have PCOS I should take it! So then he asked about the other pill so I said didn't need it and he said so you didn't take anything I gave to you so why are you here if you aren't taking my advice! I felt so stupid and he didn't listen to my reasons.

He then spoke about my hycosy test and my partner mentioned something and he said.... what you went in with her? So he said yes and he looked at me and said why did you take him in with you? He was very rude and abrupt and I felt I couldn't wait to leave! He was very unhelpful and just said things like your still young plenty of time!

I still now feel confused as I told him I didn't understand the benefits of taking metformin and he never explained why I should be taking it. Does anyone know? I just don't know if I should start it now or not bother! He is giving me 3 months to get pregnant on my own after unblocking tubes then if nothing, he's prescribing clomid once I go and see him again which could be months. Such a drag all of it it's been 2 years of trying in May this year. Thinking of going private to see if I get better advice and care

Hope you ladies have better docs!!

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Lauren231092 profile image
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14 Replies
Hols969 profile image

There are such differing views on metformin, in my opinion you should not take it if you are not insulin resistant so I think you did the right thing. Lots of ladies are IR due to pcos and taking it is correct. It is not licenced as a pcos drug in the UK though and I know a few years ago there was some concern with our advisers on what the long term effect could be taking metformin if you don't actually need it.

Do you actually know if you are ovulating as obviously that is key, you don't need a period to ovulate and you don't always ovulate with a period either so it is nice and straight forward !!! Has your partner been tested as well as 1/3 of fertility issues are down to poor sperm etc.

Your consultant sounds like an ar*e :-)

Lauren231092 profile image
Lauren231092 in reply to Hols969

Yes I have done as much research as possible and in my eyes the side effects outweigh benefits if there are any! However he made out it is a drug for PCOS! We have had every test done and everything is fine other than the PCOS. I did ovulate one time they tested and not another. My cycles can be anywhere from 33 days right up to 60 so I'm all over haha. It's a wait and see game for a few months now as he thinks there should be nothing standing in our way now my tubes are clear. Then if not it's 6 cycles of clomid. Here's hoping!

He was very rude! Thanks for replying

Hols969 profile image
Hols969 in reply to Lauren231092

I would look at fertilitfriends and start charting your temp as it may well help. Good luck - It took me 3 years to conceive Noah and actually I found it all quite stressful and wasnt patient at all - I now have the patience of a saint so it did some good !!

merrohawk83 profile image

I usually agree with everything Hols969 advises - the only difference of opinion is about the use of metformin in women with PCOS in order to conceive 😂 As she said - there are such differing views! My experience of metformin has been extremely positive - I'm 34 with pcos, and after taking metformin for 3 months I became pregnant. I'm now 31 weeks pregnant. It's also important to say I am not insulin resistant.

As for the hospital consultant - on the one hand I can understand his frustration but as a professional he should have taken steps to address your questions and concerns. You are in control of what you do with your own body and he should respect that.

Your GP is not a specialist and often GPs don't have enough knowledge about specialist areas to offer valuable advice, which is why you were referred to a specialist of course!

Nobody can make the decision but you - but personally I think your consultant offered good advice if you are struggling with conceiving.

Best of luck with whatever you decide!

Lauren231092 profile image
Lauren231092 in reply to merrohawk83

Thank you for replying that's really interesting to hear as Iv not heard many positive things so far. Definitely gives me a different perspective. I think I'm going to have a month of not taking anything just to see if I hve a period after having my tubes unblocked and then I think I might give it a go. It's so confusing when you have one doctor telling you one thing and another telling you to do something else, in effect sort of scaring me out of taking it! But that's really helpful thank you both for your views. This is why I like to post on here to hear from the actual ladies suffering rather than professionals. :-)

merrohawk83 profile image
merrohawk83 in reply to Lauren231092

No problem at all! I forgot to mention that metformin has also been proven to reduce testosterone levels - so whilst I'm not insulin resistant, I do have too much testosterone which causes the PCOS and which may be why metformin worked for me!

Lauren231092 profile image
Lauren231092 in reply to merrohawk83

Oh really, that's interesting that may really help me my testosterone levels are sky high! Thank you

Vonnah profile image
Vonnah in reply to merrohawk83

I didn't know that!!!!

"Maybe that's why i'm growing hair on my upper lip......"

I stopped taking mine for a few months.

Lojane profile image

My daughter was prescribed metformin off label for PCOS. She is slim and not IR but the metformin helped with the other symptoms. The acne cleared up so it must have had some effect on her system. She had none of the negative side effects. Now she is having IVF she has been advised to carry on with the metformin because it improves egg quality. The metformin will be carried on until week 12 of pregnancy .

The way the doctor spoke to you is appalling. Try not to dwell on it too much It’s your body and your decision .

There is no IVF on the NHS where my daughter lives so she has had her treatment privately . The doctors and nurses have been compassionate and caring but I think that reflects the individual person rather than system . The main difference with going privately is that you can ring/ email at anytime with queries and go to the clinic at convenient times . All this comes at a cost though .

Good luck.

Lauren231092 profile image
Lauren231092 in reply to Lojane

Hi, thank you for your reply that's really useful information as I hve very bad skin now and lack confidence because of it. I am going to go ahead and give it a try to see how my body reacts to it. I usually get side effects with most medication I take but fingers crossed it's fine!

I have dealt with such a mix of doctors some good some bad experiences. It is very expensive going private I'm in the process of getting quotes at the moment.

Thank you again

Lojane profile image

I forgot to say that my daughter started on the lowest dose of the metformin and increased the dose gradually to avoid the side effects. Her skin cleared up quite quickly.

I hope it works for you.

Lauren231092 profile image
Lauren231092 in reply to Lojane

Oh I didn't know there was different doses I'm not sure what mine is then. Fingers crossed! Thank you very much

Vonnah profile image

My gynecologist told me Metformin helps balance your hormones and helps with your periods as well as with helping with your insulin levels and it might help you lose a few pounds if its a high dosage.

Jojo_2017 profile image

Hi Lauren. Did this happen at St Marys? I had a similar conversation with a consultant around the use of metformin as my GP put me on it. He was asking if it was working and if it wasn’t why was I taking it as I’m not overweight .I also felt pretty stupid to say the least! When I was taking it, I had a period every few months & now it’s only a few a year so I need to take Northisterone during my IVF. X

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