In the worst nutshell....
Diagnosed today, and have regular periods, but some facial hair (more than average), thinning hair, difficulty in loosing weight, despite being really active, poor sleep and oily skin (Im 31). Also spotting just prior to a period (3-5 days) but no one seems to mention this as a regular symptom?
Previously tried to get pregnant with husband, and failed. The fertility clinic reported that I worked fine (although had cysts on my ovaries) and that he had a low sperm count which the attributed to our difficulties. I was 27/8 at the time. In a nut shell, it broke our marriage.
I'm not in a position to be trying for children currently, but do hope that this is an option in the near future... is anyone able to comment on the likelihood of being able to conceive naturally and in 'standard' time? There is allot of horrible stuff on the internet, and I really hoped that I'd never have to set foot in a fertility clinic again..
Any advice would be gratefully received...