So, since I started my periods when I was 12, I was stupidly heavy and irregular, but with poor sexual health education and not being able to open up to anyone about my problems, I suffered alone until I passed out one day. The doctor who saw me got to the bottom of it and realised I was bleeding waaaay too much, and started me on all sorts of tablets to try and slow it down, but to no avail. I started on one of the pills, which did seem to sort it out. I eventually changed because the effects worse off. Through my early teen years I found this slowed my bleeding and made my periods more regular, but then it eventually stopped. I use to get really bad pain, it was as if I wanted to bleed, so I stopped taking my pill and let my period come naturally, and I felt relief!
Then a couple of months ago I decided to go to the doctors and asked to be tested for PCOS, as it runs in the family and I literally have every symptom going. The doctor, which was male (nothing against men, but I think because it is quite a sensitive issue to women, he didn't quite understand the upset going through my 19 year old mind at the time), he simply said to me "even if it comes back you do, there is nothing you can do about it, so what's the point?". I felt awful, useless and helpless. I decided to go back to the doctors a few months later to see a nice female doctor, and she understood everything I said and put me forward for tests straight away. I had my bloods done on my 20th birthday, and 2 days later I got a call saying I needed to book an appointment because they are abnormal. Now my doctors surgery allows me to log on online and actually see my test results, and some of the factors are waaaay out. I have my ultrasound tomorrow and I'm so nervous. I don't know what they are going to say, or do, or even if I am fertile at all!
Please could someone give me some advice, if they have ever been here before, it's the blood results that are worrying me, and I can pretty much already predict that there are definitely cysts on my ovaries, I have extremely painful periods with severe pelvic pain right where my ovaries lie.